Week 8: Odysseus, The King, and Celebrations

Odysseus woke the next morning at dawn, and was addressed by parliament.  He was told he would receive the help of the King to return home. The entire village celebrated.  There was feasting and music, and games played through the town. Odysseus even participated, singing songs of the love of Aphrodite and Ares, and throwing stones in a competition.  

Working Method:  Focused Energy

Required Items:  Stone for empowering

Take a stone from your altar, and focus on the joy of that day. Consider the idea that you are not alone in the world, and that this stone is the reminder that you will receive aid. Feel the gratitude and love pour into this stone.  Feel the warmth and the light of dawn deep within it. Focus your intentions on this, and feel the energy build. You can breathe into the stone, or anoint the stone with oil. Build the energy and relationship with this stone and know the grounding, joyous energy that it can hold.  This stone can be used to remind you on darker days that life does get better, and sometimes people are willing to give you a lifeboat and help you find your way. This stone can either be left on the altar, or carried with you. It is yours to use for empowerment and joy.


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