1st Circle
- Brewing and the Law (Approved 2/7/16)
- Brewing and Religion 1
- Brewing Basics (Approved 4/4/16)
- Brewing Practicum 1
2nd Circle
By the time you complete this circle you should further expand your brewing for spiritual
purposes including brewing specifically for a deity related to brewing of your choice, discussion
of the importance of fermented beverages in ritual space, further knowledge on the various
ingredients involved in brewing and the effects they have on the final product, recipe
formulation, further your tasting and judging abilities, brewing for ritual purposes, and brewing
various styles of beverages.
- Brewing and Religion 2
- Brewing Ingredients
- Brewing Techniques
- Brewing Practicum 2
3rd Circle
By the time you complete this circle you should be able to explain the spiritual importance of
fermented beverages to you and your religious path, the technical details on all the ingredients
and their effect on the final product including recipe formulation, culturing of yeast through at
least 3 generations, host a tasting of various beverages, teach others how to brew, and brew
multiple styles of beverage using advanced brewing techniques along with more devotional
brews, and brew at least one historical beverage.
- Brewing and Religion 3
- Wine & Mead/Beer Ingredients
- Wine & Mead/Beer Recipe Formulation
- Wine & Mead/Beer Community Service
- Wine & Mead/Beer Brewing Practicum
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