Critical Thinking for Seers

2.1.  Discuss the effect of bias on thought and moral reasoning. (minimum 100 words)
Bias is defined as “a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly” (Merriam Webster).  No matter how open-minded we try to be, as humans we all carry a certain level of bias in our thoughts and reasoning.  We see things from a different perspective than everyone else, and notice or emphasize some things over others based upon our past experiences, desires, and opinions.  This is a natural part of our thought process and moral reasoning.  However, biases become a problem when they lead to irrational favoritism or resistance to a specific argument, despite factual premises. 
2.2.  Define and briefly discuss the importance of critical thinking as it relates to being a Seer within ADF (miminum 100 words)
Critical thinking is defined as “a study of the techniques and principles of correct reasoning and effective communication” (Ar nDraiocht Fein).  As a Seer, I believe that critical thinking is a vitally important tool to utilize for several reasons.  First, effective communication is important for Seers to be able to share the divinatory messages they receive.  They need to be able to explain the symbol set and the necessary information with the person or group the message is intended for.  Additionally, seers need to understand their limitations and be able to effectively communicate when they have reached that limit. 
Another important function of critical thinking is the “correct reasoning” aspect.  Seers need to be able to recognize when performing divination for someone is appropriate, or when it may be more harmful than helpful.  They also need to be able to understand the symbol set well enough to correctly reason and interpret the message received and apply it to the situation at hand.

Works Cited

Ar nDraiocht Fein. Critical Thinking. September 2015 <>.

Merriam Webster. Merriam Webster Dictionary . March 2015 <>.


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