1. Compare and contrast the language you have
chosen to study and your native language (and any other languages you have
studied, if you like). Consider each languages' syntax and grammar, as well as
vocabulary matters, such as cognates, derivatives or borrowed words. (minimum
300 words)
For the purpose of this course, I have
decided to work with ancient Greek, the language of my hearth. I will begin by saying that I do not
currently speak Greek, although I do hope to be able to do so someday. The
Greek alphabet, lexicon, and syntax can be traced in many modern languages (Adrados xiii) .
The Greek language begins with 24
separate letters including both vowels and consonants. Similar to English, the vowels have long and
short pronunciations. Ancient Greek also
utilized diphthongs, or combined letters, to make specific sounds (Betts and Henry 1-3) . However, while English uses stressed
syllables to emphasize the meaning of a sentence, classical Greek focused on
the pitch of the words. They would raise
the pitch of a specific syllable or word to emphasize its importance (Betts and Henry 4-5) .
In English, there is a close link
between the orders of the words in a sentence.
Saying “The cow jumped over the moon” is not the same as “The moon
jumped over the cow.” In Greek, however,
the function of a word is determined by the form of the word itself and not by
its position within a sentence. This
means that word order in Greek can vary much more than it can in English (Betts and Henry 14) .
In English, if we wished to emphasize a specific word in a sentence, we would
stress that word in our speech, or mark it in some way in our writing. For example, in the sentence “The moon is
big” the emphasis of a word could change the meaning of the sentence, even
though the sentence structure never changes.
“The MOON is big” has a slightly different meaning than “The moon is
BIG.” In Greek, this emphasis is
handled very differently, because they don’t rely on stressed words or
syllables to relay their message.
Instead, the sentence itself is restructured to put the more important
words toward the beginning of the sentence.
Simply put, the sentence would change from “The moon is big” to “Big is
the moon.”
Despite all the differences in
grammar and structure between English and Greek, the influence of Greek on
English is still quite evident. There
are numerous base words used in English that are derived from words found in
Greek. For example, the Greek word for book is “biblos”, while we refer to
reference pages as bibliographies and call those people who love books
“bibliomaniacs” and the Greek word for sound is “phone” which we use in many
other sound related words, such as telephone and symphony. So while thousands of years have passed since
ancient Greek first began to be used, the influence of it can still be seen on
words that we use today.
2. Based on what you understand about the
language studied, linguistics in general, and your knowledge of the associated
culture(s), briefly describe how the characteristics of the language may
reflect the attributes, history or values of the associated culture(s).
(minimum 300 words)
Greek is one of the only languages
that are still spoken after existing for 3500 years, which means it comes with
a lot of history (Adrados) . You can find a lot of information about the
Greek culture when looking at the history of their language. The fragmentation of Greek into several dialects
tells us of the political divisions and internal strife within the culture. The fragmentation was increased by the
arrival of other groups, such as the Dorians, who made the separation between
dialects more accentuated. These
fragmented dialects were then spread overseas through the trade routes and
travel of the Greek people. This lead to
the Ionic-Attic, Arcado-Cyprian, and Aeolic dialects that were even further
subdivided as political power continued to fragment (Adrados) . After the expeditions of Alexander the Great,
dialects began to be unified once again.
Through the use of written prose, the dialects began to transform into a
Common Greek language. The frequent interactions
with other cultures are apparent through in all of these dialect
I believe that this unification of
the language coming from written prose could show a division between those
people who could read, and those that couldn’t.
This may have lead to a disparity between the classes because the languages
used by the two groups were different, so even within this unification came
diversification. This occurred in the
form of two slightly different dialects corresponding to “popular language” and
“literary language” (Adrados 314) . This distinction lasted through the
Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods.
Other hints about the personality of
ancient Greek culture can be derived through the words themselves. For example, Greek language uses the term
“barbaroi” to describe those people who were not Greek. This term shows us the pride that ancient
Greeks felt in their own culture, and the belief they held that they were
superior to all others.
Works Cited
Adrados, Francisco Rodrigues. A History of Greek
Language. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2005.
Betts, Gavin and Alan
Henry. Teach Yourself Ancient Greek. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 2003.
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