Roman House Blessing for New Home

Roman House Blessing for New Home


Before beginning the rite, purify yourself in your preferred manner. 

Initiate the Rite  

Begin by standing outside the threshold of your home. If you have a doorbell, you can ring it to indicate the start of the rite.  Otherwise, you can simply knock on the door frame. 

Earth Mother

Tellus Mater, primal goddess of the earth, great mother of all. You nourish and sustain us and from you all life has formed. I stand here, both my feet and my home firmly planted upon you.  I ask that you come forth and uphold both this home and this rite.

Offer water to Tellus Mater

Statement of Purpose

I stand at the entrance to the place that I now call home, my porta, gateway to my hearth.  May the Lares guard this boundary and protect our shared space.

Anoint door frame with oils and/or incense.

Recreating the Cosmos

Step through the doorway into your home.  Move to the space that you’d like to build your hearth shrine and continue the ritual.

Sacred Fire, you who warm our homes and light our way.  You inspire us and bring us passion and excitement. Sacred Focus, flame of our hearth.

Give alcohol to fire

Sacred Fire, may your warmth and light bless this home.  May this hearth be welcoming and hospitable to all who join us here. 

Sacred Well, you who bring wisdom to our lives, and the nurturing waters of the depth.  You teach us and guide us. Sacred Mundus, waters of the ancestors.

Give silver to the well
Sacred Well, may your knowledge and wisdom flow through all who reside in this home.  May your waters be gentle to all who join us here.

Sacred Tree, you who span the realms and connect us to the universe.  Your roots firmly planted in the ground below, and your branches stretching high above. Sacred portus, mighty gateway.

Give water to the tree

Sacred Tree, may your strength help us to be grounded and stable.  May you continue to help us grow together and connect us to all who join us here.

Opening the Gates

Janus, god of beginnings, gates, and doorways, I call to you now and ask that you act as my Gatekeeper today.  Janus, opener of doors, Guardian of the household, step through your door and dwell in this space.

Offers wine to Ianus.

Janus, through you, may our hearts be open. Through you, may this home be safe. Through you, may all who join be welcomed. And through you may our words travel past the gates.

I ask that you join your magic with mine.

Mundus, portus and flaming focus, as you open up before us, grant us guidance beyond your gates, and allow us access to our Fates. This sacred space is pure and open.

Three Kindreds

I call now to my Ancestors.  You who walked this land before me.  You who share my blood and my story.  You who live in my heart and in my thoughts.  You are welcome in my home and at my hearth.  Welcome, Ancestors.

Offering of coffee given

Step outside of your home, preferably into the back yard.

I call now to the Nature Spirits.  You who share this land with me.  Creatures of fur, feather, and scales. You who lived on this land before me and will continue to share this space after I am gone. I will nurture you as we live in harmony. Welcome, Nature Spirits.

Offering of birdseed given

Step back inside of your home and to your hearth shrine

I call now to the Shining Ones.  You who are worthy of recognition.  Divine beings of my hearth and others.  You who were worshipped by the ancestors.  You are welcome in my home and at my hearth.  Welcome, Shining Ones.  

Key Offerings

Vesta Mater, virgin goddess of the hearth, you who embody the purifying flame, and guide us with your warmth. We ask you to join us in this rite as we bless and purify this home. Through you, may our home warm. Through you, may our home be cleansed. And through you, may all who join us at our hearth be purified. Vesta Mater, magnificent goddess, come forth and encounter this rite. Welcome, Vesta!

Prayer of Sacrifice

Pour final offering into the hearth fire

We give these gifts with an open heart and hope that they please the Kindreds.  We welcome you into our home, as we make this a safe space for all who come to join in our hospitality.


I will give a brief reading at this point to make sure everything has been accepted.


Life glass of water

Let the blessings of the Kindreds shine into this cup.  Let it be filled with joy and cleansed from negativity.  Let our home and our family be blessed in this new beginning.  Behold, the waters of life.

Drink from the waters and then sprinkle them over your hearth shrine and throughout the house.


Light candle
A flame is lit, to bring light and warmth to this home, mighty Vesta, glorious goddess of the hearth, we ask that you bless our home and all who dwell here. You who embody home and harmonious community, guide our family with your light. Let your hospitality be shown through us.  Through this flame, let our hearts be warmed. Through this flame, let our home be bright.
Mighty Vesta, bless this house.  

Thanking the Beings

This home has been blessed and purified, as have all who reside here.  Let us thank those who joined us in this rite who will help bring peace to our lives in this transition. 

Mighty Vesta, thank you for your blessings upon this home.  Let your hospitality be shown through our actions.  Go if you must, stay if you will.  Vesta, we thank you.

Shining Ones, thank you for the gifts you give to this family.  Let your shining light be shown in our lives.  Go if you must, stay if you will.  Shining ones, we thank you.

Nature Spirits, thank you for sharing this space with us.  Let your curiosity and gentle nature be shown through our interactions. Go if you must, stay if you will.  Nature Spirits, we thank you.

Ancestors, thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.  Let your knowledge and experience continue to influence our path. Go if you must, stay if you will.  Ancestors, we thank you.

Closing the Gates

Janus, mighty guardian of the household, thank you for opening the gates and guiding our way tonight.  May your protection keep our home safe.  Janus, we thank you.

Janus, I ask that you now aid me in closing the gates between the realms. Let the portus, growing between the worlds be once again just a plant.  Let the mundus flowing deep to the underworld be just water.  Let the focus burning brightly to the heaves be once again just flame.  Janus, join your magic with mine, and let the gates be closed.

Thanking the Earth Mother

Tellus Mater, thank you for upholding this rite, this home, and this family.  Let our work both inside this home and out continue to honor you.  Tellus Mater, we thank you. 

Closing the Rite

This house is pure, blessed, and filled with joy and hospitality.  Let all reside here know peace and positivity.  This rite has ended. 


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