My Ordination Rite

Initiate the Rite (Opening Prayer)

Shining Ones, we ask for your blessings in the spirit of community.  We come here in solidarity to honor the Kindreds.


A bowl of water and white towel are passed around to purify each participant

Honoring the Earth Mother

Light candle

Earth mother, mother of men and the gods, you who support and sustain all life.  Through you, all life is renewed, the cycle that never ends.  Eternal, blessed goddess, we call to you and ask that you uphold this rite.

Make offering of grain to Earth Mother

 Earth mother, accept our offering!

Statement of Purpose

 We come here tonight, unified as a community to deepen our spiritual practice, and foster our relationships with the Kindreds.  May this ritual help to build positive relationships, both with those Kindreds and among the people participating.

(Re)Creating the Cosmos


Make offering of whiskey to the fire

 Sacred fire, flame of the hearth, gateway to the Shining Ones, this is the center of the Cosmos.  We kindle the sacred fire with warmth and love.  Sacred fire, burn within us.


Make offering of silver to the well

 Sacred well, waters of wisdom, gateway to the Ancestors, this is the center of the Cosmos.  In the depth of the water flows the wisdom of the Ancestors.  Sacred well, flow within us.


Make offering of incense to the tree

 Sacred tree, pathway between the earth and sky, gateway to the Nature Spirits, this is the center of the Cosmos.   You are the path between all worlds.  Sacred tree, grow within us. 

Fire, well, and sacred tree, flame and flow and grow in me.  In land, sea, and sky, below and on high.  Thus the sacred grove is claimed and hallowed. 

Opening the Gate

 We call now to Hermes, the messenger of the Gods and gatekeeper for this rite.  Hermes, you travel between the realms and guide lost souls, be our guide tonight. 

Make offering of feathers to Hermes

Help us to walk between the worlds.  Let our words and actions carry to the otherworlds.  Hermes, join your magic with mine.  Let the gates be open! 

Inviting the Three Kindreds

 We will now invite the three Kindreds to join us in this rite: the Ancestors, Nature Spirits, and Shining Ones.


Make offering of bread to Ancestors

 Ancestors, you who passed before us, ancestors of blood, land, and heart, you who have helped us to become who we are, we ask that you join us in this rite.  Welcome, Ancestors!

Nature Spirits

Make offering of birdseed to Nature Spirits

 Nature Spirits, you who share this realm with us, spirits of land, sea, and sky, you who provide us both sustenance and companionship, we ask that you join us in this rite.  Welcome, Nature Spirits!

Shining Ones

Make offering of oil to the Shining Ones
 Shining ones, great gods and goddesses, deities of our hearths, and others, both known and unknown, we ask that you join us in this rite.  Welcome, Shining Ones!

Key Offerings

Deity of Occasion

Light Hearth Candle

 This flame is lit to build this community and welcome Hestia to this rite. Hestia, glorious goddess of the hearth, you who the Greeks honor both first and last, you who embody both home and harmonious community, guide us with your warmth.  With your name, we ignite the hearth flame.  Come forth and dwell in this space.

Make offering of mead to Hestia

Hestia, goddess of the living flame, you who keep the hearth ablaze and inspire us with your light, through you may our hearts be warmed.  Through you, may our homes be bright.  By worshipping at your hearth, may our community be strong and unified.  Hestia, munificent goddess, come forth and encounter this rite. 

Make offering of mead to Hestia

Welcome Hestia!

Praise Offerings

 At this time, I’d like to invite anyone who wishes to make praise offerings of their own to do so now. 

Prayer of Sacrifice

 Through our praise, love, and offerings we have honored the Kindreds.  It is with honor, respect, and open harts that we have given our hospitality.  Mighty Kindreds, we honor you.  Accept our offerings!

Make final offering to Kindreds


 At this time I take an omen to receive our message from the Kindreds.

Make offering of bay leaves to Apollo

Mighty Apollo, god of the sun, poetry, and oracles, I ask that you guide my hand as I receive the omen for this rite.

Pull stones and interpret message

Calling for the Blessings

 We have given our gifts freely and in return a gift is given.  Mighty Kindreds, we ask for your blessings upon us. 

Lift waters of life

Hallow the Blessings

 Mighty Kindreds, Ancestors, Nature Spirits, and Shining Ones, hallow these waters.  Bless our lives with plenty as we drink these sacred waters.  Behold the waters of life! 

Affirming the Blessings

 Does the community accept the Blessing of the Kindreds? 

Then let them be shared.

(After all have drank) By the blessings of the Kindred, may our community grow and bond.  From good to good and gain-to-gain, throughout the turning year.  Honor to the Kindred!


Thanking the Beings

As we prepare to depart, let us thank those who have joined us today.

Hestia – Mighty goddess of the hearth, our community is honored by your warmth.  Thank you for attending this rite.  May your warmth and hospitality be shown through us.  Thank you, Hestia!

Shining Ones – Mighty gods and goddesses, thank you for attending this rite.  May you continue to guide and bless us as we walk this path.  Thank you, Shining Ones!

Nature Spirits – beings of land, sea, and sky, thank you for attending this rite.  May there be peace between us until we meet again.  Thank you, Nature spirits!

Ancestors  - spirits of blood, land, and heart, thank you for attending this rite!  May your knowledge and experience continue to guide us.  Thank you, Ancestors.

Closing the Gates

Hermes, thank you for your guidance as we have walked between the worlds.  We call upon you once again to aid us in closing the gates.  Let the tree be but wood, let the well be but water, let the fire be but flames.  Mighty Hermes, let the gates be closed. 

Thanking the Earth Mother

Earth mother, goddess of peace and plenty, thank you for your support and sustenance.  May our work continue to honor you.  Thank you, Earth mother.

Closing the Rite

We have done as our ancestors did and as our children will do.  Let us go into the world secure in the knowledge that our offerings have pleased the Kindred and we go forth with their blessings.  This rite is closed. 


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