Hermes, god of boundaries,
and great messenger of the Gods.
You are the protector of travelers
and the patron to writers and poets.
With your name, I make transitions,
Come forth and dwell in this space.
Hermes, skilled bringer of luck
guide to our ancestors,
You who guide and guard our travels
And share our words with all worlds.
With your name, travel between the realms.
Come forth and dwell in this place.
(Offer mead)
Through you, may I learn to share my words.
Through you, may I learn to travel between words
Through you, may hone my skill.
And through you may I embrace hospitality.
Hermes, magnificent god,
Come forth and encounter this rite.
Hermes, god of boundaries,
and great messenger of the Gods.
You are the protector of travelers
and the patron to writers and poets.
I ask that you aid us in our travels,
To allow us to spend time with our loved ones,
And again to help us return to our home.
Thank you for all the aid you’ve given me in the past
And I hope to continue to work together in the future.
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