Special Occasion Rituals

1. Describe how it is different to write and perform a special occasion ritual instead of a High Day ritual. (minimum 100 words)

Special occasion rituals have a distinctly different purpose than a High Day rite. High days are the celebration of the continued cycle of the year.  They are often used to build community for a group of people, or to help establish personal practice for an individual.  Special occasion rituals are done in times of transition.  They can be performed to help celebrate that change, or to soothe someone through the transition they are facing.  Additionally, High Day rites focus on fulfilling the needs of all who participate, while a special occasion ritual is more focused on the individual the rite is being performed for.

2. Define "rite of passage" in your own words. (no min. word count)

A rite of passage is a ritual or event that someone undertakes to aid them in the transition from one specific time period of their life to another. 

3. Describe how the following elements of the Core Order of Ritual can be used in a special occasion ritual in a way that takes into consideration religiously diverse audiences that may not be accepting of ADF traditions and practices (minimum 50 words per element):

In my experience, when I am doing a special occasion ritual for a someone there are typically attendees that are religiously diverse.  I love seeing people who are not Pagan take part in these ceremonies and celebrate with their loved ones, despite following a different path.  I always work to make them feel comfortable and welcome.  If they are open minded and I know ahead of time, I will include explanations about what we are doing, and why we do them.  Other times, if they are less accepting, you make slight adaptations to make things flow smoothly. 

a.   Calling for the Blessings and Hallowing the Waters

Blessing and hallowing the waters can be an important part to a special occasion ritual, but I think that it can be done in a way that is not off-putting to non-Pagans.  For example, if you are blessing a drink for a celebrant, you can ask for the positive thoughts and well wishes of the attendees to flow into the cup.  Or if you’re performing a wedding for a couple, you could fill the cup with their love for one another.  Really, from my experience it isn’t so much the blessing itself that someone not familiar with ADF has an issue with, but the inclusion of specific deities or Pagan theology.  By making the blessing focus more on the person being celebrated and those participating you can work around that situation.

b. Honoring the Earth Mother

Honoring the Earth Mother is a situation that can be handled in a couple different ways.  First, you can always do your ritual setup up prior to the special occasion rite specifically by honoring the Earth Mother, calling the Three Kindreds and any honored beings of occasion, and opening the gates prior to the attendees arriving.  The attendees then only witness the working itself, and then everything is thanked and gates closed after the rite has ended.  This is not my preferred way to do things, but if the celebrated person chose this route, I would do what is needed to accommodate them and make them feel comfortable. Other way is to acknowledge the importance of taking care of the earth and being gracious for the gifts that we receive from it, such as sustenance.  This keeps things more scientific and doesn’t traverse into a realm that may make someone uncomfortable who isn’t familiar with ADF or Paganism.
c. Inviting the Three Kindreds

            As I mentioned in the previous question, this can be done outside of the rite if needed. However, there are ways to include them in the ritual as well.  For example, in a wedding that I performed, the flower girl threw birdseed and flower petals as she entered the space, giving offering to the Nature Spirits.  As the ritual started, we took a moment to honor the bride’s father and groom’s grandmother who had passed away and were not able to attend.  And then when speaking to the couple, I referred to the divine forces of the world instead of calling out the Shining Ones specifically.  This allowed them to include all the elements they wanted to, while making their non-Pagan family feel comfortable.

d. Recreating the Cosmos

Recreating the cosmos is all about finding balance and a sacred center.  When doing a rite that would include people not accepting of ADF, this is the approach I take to helping them feel welcome.  If the group is smaller, I’ll have everyone take a deep breath and find a place peace within themselves. If it’s a larger rite, I remind everyone that we’re here to celebrate this special occasion with someone we care about and that our goal to be here as their community of love, support, unity, and balance.

e. Opening/Closing the Gates

            Working with the Gates is the part of a special occasion ritual that I find the most challenging to make less “obvious” to a non-Pagan audience.  However, there are two approaches that I have taken that seem to work out alright.  First, in the recreation of the cosmos, I ask everyone to find peace within themselves.  Then, as that moment of silence ends, I’ll declare that now is the time for us to do whatever work we’re there to do, such as “bless this child” or “unite this couple”.  I put out the energy to open the gates, without ever specifically naming it specifically.  The other method I’ve used is a bit of misdirection really.  I tell the attendees that we’re gathered here, our feet firmly pressed to the ground that our ancestors walked on, below the bright warmth of the sun, standing connected to them both to celebrate with this person/these people and then again, declare that it’s time to do the work. 

4. Write a full ritual for one of the following rites of passage:  Birth or adoption of a child

Celebrating the Birth of a Child with Non-Pagan Participants

Space is incensed prior to attendees arriving.  Incense placed at doorway to bless participants as they enter.

Initiate the Rite  

Welcome everyone.  We’re gathered here today to celebrate the growth of this family and to rejoice in the birth of <name>.  We come together to welcome this child to the community and extend the hand of friendship and support to this family. 

Earth Mother

We meet on the bountiful earth who gifts us with our homes and our sustenance.  We are here to provide support and love of this family, with respect for the land, as we walk in balance to bless the birth of this child. 

Statement of Purpose

It has long been the custom for a community to join together and welcome its newest members with a ceremony.  You all represent the community of this child.  You will be their role models, friends, and confidants.  We come together now to welcome them into our midst and bless <name> as they begin their walk through life with us.

Recreating the Cosmos

We stand in this space, our hearts filled with the light of the fire.  Like the flame, we come to dance for a short while, and like you we are hungry and must be fed.  You cook our food, light our way, and keep us warm in the winter. Like the fire, let this child be filled with passion, brightness and warmth.

We stand near the well, the waters of the womb that carried <name> so recently.  It is the water that carries creativity and life.  Water adapts to its surroundings and is flexible and ever changing. Like the well, may the wisdom of the waters flow through <name>. 

We stand in this space, centered like a tree with roots firmly in the earth and arms stretching high to explore the universe around us.  It is in this space that we find balance and strength.  Like a tree, may <name> keep their roots firmly planted on the earth and their sights soaring with the stars as they grow.

Opening the Gates

Right now, we stand in balance with the world, our feet firmly pressed to the ground that our ancestors walked on, below the bright warmth of the sun, standing connected to them both.  It is with this connection that we will bless the birth of <name>.

Three Kindreds

At this time, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the ancestors of this family that has passed on before us.  Their stories are still shared among this family, and their love still lives on in their lives.  While they cannot be here in person, they stand with us here in spirit to welcome <name> into this community.

The family also wants to acknowledge the furry members of their family, and the adjustments that they will have to make to this new member of the family.  <dog> has been a member of this family for 6 years and is eager to anxious to welcome <name> into their home and to build a special bond together. 

The divine powers of the world have blessed this family with the gift of <name> and have blessed <name> with an incredible loving family.  These divine powers influence the world around us and bless our lives with many gifts.  We ask now what gifts we can look to for this child to receive. 

Key Offering

We’ve gathered here to bless this child and welcome them into this community.  Let the power of this community empower <name> throughout their life.

Prayer of Sacrifice

Pour water upon the earth.

 Let these waters, fresh and pure, remind us all of the purity that lives in this child.  Let the potential of these waters remind us of the potential that lives within <child>.  Let us give this child our love and praise. 


I will give a brief reading at this point, explaining how the energies will be returned to the child.


Hold a cup of water from the altar toward the attendees.

At this time, I ask that the positive thoughts and well wishes of this community flow into this cup.  We ask these blessings provide this family with the wisdom to grow and develop together, and the perseverance to continue forward when things are challenging.  Allow them the vision to see the potential in the future, and the courage to take the path less traveled.  Help them to keep their integrity in the face of adversity.  This family already sets a beautiful example for <name> by living lives that are pious and filled with moderation and integrity.   Let them approach their lives together with the fertile thoughts of growing together, and hospitality to their expanding community.


<name> is anointed with the blessed waters, washing over their forehead, hands, and feet.

Let <name> be welcomed into this community and blessed by the all that join us here today.  <Name> let your thoughts be filled with wisdom and clarity.  May your actions be just and positive.  May your feet guide you forward and keep you grounded.

May you be built with a kind heart. May you be surrounded by the love of their friends and family.  Today, you may not know it, but we’re here to welcome you into this community where you are so very loved. Welcome <name>!

Thanking the Beings

Thank you so much to all who have joined us here, both in person and in spirit.  You all will have an impact on <name>’s life from this day forward. 

Closing the Gates
May we continue to stand in balance with the world, and to teach this child to do the same.  Let us walk with wisdom, and always feel the bright sun shining down on us, even when the days are cold. 

Thanking the Earth Mother

May the earth continue to provide the nourishment to <name> to allow them to grow into a valuable part of this community.  

Closing the Rite

Let us all celebrate the arrival of <name> and continue to celebrate their place within our community.  Thank you to all for joining us here today. 

5b. Write three full rituals, one for three of the following options:  House blessing or cleansing

Roman House Blessing for New Home


Before beginning the rite, purify yourself in your preferred manner.  

Initiate the Rite  

Begin by standing outside the threshold of your home. If you have a doorbell, you can ring it to indicate the start of the rite.  Otherwise, you can simply knock on the door frame. 

Earth Mother

Tellus Mater, primal goddess of the earth, great mother of all. You nourish and sustain us and from you all life has formed. I stand here, both my feet and my home firmly planted upon you.  I ask that you come forth and uphold both this home and this rite.

Offer water to Tellus Mater

Statement of Purpose

I stand at the entrance to the place that I now call home, my porta, gateway to my hearth.  May the Lares guard this boundary and protect our shared space.

Anoint door frame with oils and/or incense.

Recreating the Cosmos

Step through the doorway into your home.  Move to the space that you’d like to build your hearth shrine and continue the ritual.

Sacred Fire, you who warm our homes and light our way.  You inspire us and bring us passion and excitement. Sacred Focus, flame of our hearth.

Give alcohol to fire

Sacred Fire, may your warmth and light bless this home.  May this hearth be welcoming and hospitable to all who join us here. 

Sacred Well, you who bring wisdom to our lives, and the nurturing waters of the depth.  You teach us and guide us. Sacred Mundus, waters of the ancestors.

Give silver to the well
Sacred Well, may your knowledge and wisdom flow through all who reside in this home.  May your waters be gentle to all who join us here.

Sacred Tree, you who span the realms and connect us to the universe.  Your roots firmly planted in the ground below, and your branches stretching high above. Sacred portus, mighty gateway.

Give water to the tree

Sacred Tree, may your strength help us to be grounded and stable.  May you continue to help us grow together and connect us to all who join us here.

Opening the Gates

Janus, god of beginnings, gates, and doorways, I call to you now and ask that you act as my Gatekeeper today.  Janus, opener of doors, Guardian of the household, step through your door and dwell in this space.

Offers wine to Ianus.

Janus, through you, may our hearts be open. Through you, may this home be safe. Through you, may all who join be welcomed. And through you may our words travel past the gates.

I ask that you join your magic with mine.

Mundus, portus and flaming focus, as you open up before us, grant us guidance beyond your gates, and allow us access to our Fates. This sacred space is pure and open.

Three Kindreds

I call now to my Ancestors.  You who walked this land before me.  You who share my blood and my story.  You who live in my heart and in my thoughts.  You are welcome in my home and at my hearth.  Welcome, Ancestors.

Offering of coffee given

Step outside of your home, preferably into the back yard.

I call now to the Nature Spirits.  You who share this land with me.  Creatures of fur, feather, and scales. You who lived on this land before me and will continue to share this space after I am gone. I will nurture you as we live in harmony. Welcome, Nature Spirits.

Offering of birdseed given

Step back inside of your home and to your hearth shrine

I call now to the Shining Ones.  You who are worthy of recognition.  Divine beings of my hearth and others.  You who were worshipped by the ancestors.  You are welcome in my home and at my hearth.  Welcome, Shining Ones.  

Key Offerings

Vesta Mater, virgin goddess of the hearth, you who embody the purifying flame, and guide us with your warmth. We ask you to join us in this rite as we bless and purify this home. Through you, may our home warm. Through you, may our home be cleansed. And through you, may all who join us at our hearth be purified. Vesta Mater, magnificent goddess, come forth and encounter this rite. Welcome, Vesta!

Prayer of Sacrifice

Pour final offering into the hearth fire

We give these gifts with an open heart and hope that they please the Kindreds.  We welcome you into our home, as we make this a safe space for all who come to join in our hospitality.


I will give a brief reading at this point to make sure everything has been accepted.


Life glass of water

Let the blessings of the Kindreds shine into this cup.  Let it be filled with joy and cleansed from negativity.  Let our home and our family be blessed in this new beginning.  Behold, the waters of life.

Drink from the waters and then sprinkle them over your hearth shrine and throughout the house.


Light candle
A flame is lit, to bring light and warmth to this home, mighty Vesta, glorious goddess of the hearth, we ask that you bless our home and all who dwell here. You who embody home and harmonious community, guide our family with your light. Let your hospitality be shown through us.  Through this flame, let our hearts be warmed. Through this flame, let our home be bright.
Mighty Vesta, bless this house.  

Thanking the Beings

This home has been blessed and purified, as have all who reside here.  Let us thank those who joined us in this rite who will help bring peace to our lives in this transition. 

Mighty Vesta, thank you for your blessings upon this home.  Let your hospitality be shown through our actions.  Go if you must, stay if you will.  Vesta, we thank you.

Shining Ones, thank you for the gifts you give to this family.  Let your shining light be shown in our lives.  Go if you must, stay if you will.  Shining ones, we thank you.

Nature Spirits, thank you for sharing this space with us.  Let your curiosity and gentle nature be shown through our interactions. Go if you must, stay if you will.  Nature Spirits, we thank you.

Ancestors, thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.  Let your knowledge and experience continue to influence our path. Go if you must, stay if you will.  Ancestors, we thank you.

Closing the Gates

Janus, mighty guardian of the household, thank you for opening the gates and guiding our way tonight.  May your protection keep our home safe.  Janus, we thank you.

Janus, I ask that you now aid me in closing the gates between the realms. Let the portus, growing between the worlds be once again just a plant.  Let the mundus flowing deep to the underworld be just water.  Let the focus burning brightly to the heaves be once again just flame.  Janus, join your magic with mine, and let the gates be closed.

Thanking the Earth Mother

Tellus Mater, thank you for upholding this rite, this home, and this family.  Let our work both inside this home and out continue to honor you.  Tellus Mater, we thank you. 

Closing the Rite

This house is pure, blessed, and filled with joy and hospitality.  Let all reside here know peace and positivity.  This rite has ended. 

5C. Write three full rituals, one for three of the following options:  Child’s First Day of School or College

Hittite Ritual for a Child’s First Day of School


Once the child is ready for the day, take a moment to wash their hands and face, helping them feel fresh and ready for the new day.

Initiate the Rite  

Let the child ring a bell or hit a drum to start the rite.

Earth Mother

(sung to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle little star)

Hannahanna, mother earth,
You were here before our birth
You uphold our lives, it’s true,
You give gifts and blessings too.
Hannahanna, mother earth,
Please, please join us at our hearth.

Statement of Purpose

Today starts a brand new adventure for <name>, with a new school, new friends, and exciting experiences. 

Recreating the Cosmos

(sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)  

Light the fire, light the fire,
Glowing bright, glowing bright.
Fill us with your shining, fill us with your shining.
Please join us. Please join us.

Sacred waters, sacred waters,
Flowing deep, flowing deep,
Fill us with your knowledge, fill us with your knowledge.
Please join us. Please join us. 

Growing tree, growing tree
Tall and strong, tall and strong.
Fill us with your strength, fill us with your strength.
Please join us. Please join us.

Opening the Gates

We call now to our friend Arinniti, Goddess of the Sun, who watches from high above. We ask you to join us here today and open the gates.
(sung to the tune of Farmer in the Dell)  
We’re opening the gates,
We’re opening the gates.
Arinitti shine on us, we’re opening the gates.

The waters flow down deep,
The waters flow down deep,
Connect us to the ancestors,
The waters flow down deep.

The fire burns up high,
The fire burns up high.
Connect us to the shining ones,
The fire burns up high.

The tree connects it all.
The tree connects it all,
Mighty tree open the gates,
The tree connects it all.

Three Kindreds

Now it’s time for us to invite our friends to our party. 

We call on our ancestors, those people we loved who passed away, and the heroes that lived before us.  Welcome, Ancestors!

Give offering of tea.

We call to the nature spirits, the plants and animals all across the world.  Welcome, Nature Spirits!

Give offering of birdseed

We call to the Gods and goddess, both known and unknown, who give us many gifts.  Welcome, Gods and goddesses. 

Give offering of oil.

Key Offering

We call one final guest, A’as, the Hittite god of wisdom! A’as gave advice to other gods and goddesses and figured out how to solve problems. A’as, we call to you.  Welcome, A’as.

Give offering of bread

Prayer of Sacrifice

We give gifts to the Kindreds and ask them to teach us and guide us.  Mighty Kindreds, please accept these gifts.


Let <name> grab a single stone and interpret it for them. 


(Sung to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider)

The waters in this cup are filled with the blessings.
Ancestors, shining ones, nature spirits too.
Fill them with wisdom, kindness and love.
Oh, the waters in this cup are filled with the blessings.

Have <name> drink from the waters and then sprinkle their backpack and school supplies.  


Prayer from a mother:
Mighty Kindred,
Today my child steps into the world,
Starting the foundation for their future.
Arinitti, bright sun shining above,
I ask that you watch over them and guide them,
And fill their heart with warmth and love.
A’as, wise one, I ask that you bless this child,
And fill their mind with clear thoughts.
Grant them patience and perseverance
For those times where school is hard.
Grant them joy and laughter
To spread to those around them.
Mighty Kindreds, thank you for standing by their side
When I cannot be there to hold their hand.

(Sung to Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Off, off, off to school,
Step into the world
Make new friends and learn so much
Enjoy these moments too.

Thanking the Beings

It’s time now for <name> to go to school, so we have to say thank you and farewell to our friends.

A’as, thank you for bringing us your wisdom.  A’as, we thank you!

Gods and goddesses, we thank you!

Nature spirits, we thank you!

Ancestors, we thank you!

Closing the Gates

We call once more to our friend Arinniti, Goddess of the Sun, who watches from high above. We ask you help us close the gates.
(sung to the tune of Farmer in the Dell)  
The gates are closing now,
The gates are closing now,
Waters, fire, and sacred tree,
Please close the gates right now.

Thanking the Earth Mother

And finally, we thank the Earth Mother.  Hannahannah, we thank you!

Closing the Rite

Now is the time for <name> to go to school.  I hope you have an amazing day filled with love, laughter, and so much learning.

5I. Write three full rituals, one for three of the following options:  Job Promotion or Change

Hellenic Rite for Career Change

Wash hands and face with water.  Dry with white towel. 

Initiate the Rite  

Process into ritual space, playing music if desired.  

Earth Mother

Earth mother, you who support and sustain all life, through you the cycle of the year continues. I kneel upon you here and ask that you uphold this rite.  Welcome, Earth Mother.

Statement of Purpose

I stand here at the altar today, seeking change.  I want to find an opportunity to expand my professional skills and continue to provide for my family, and I’ve come to ask the aide of my allies to achieve this.  

Recreating the Cosmos

Sacred fire, flame of inspiration and passion.  You bring light to the darkness and warmth to the cold.  Sacred fire, shine your light upon me.

Sacred well, waters of knowledge and adaptability.  You move with the world around you and flow with ease.  Sacred well, fill me with your wisdom.

Sacred omphalos, blessed center.  You connect the worlds together and stand firm as our axis mundi.  Sacred omphalos, connect me to the center.

Opening the Gates

Mighty Hecate, Goddess of magic, you who show is the many crossroads of the world, and help us to find our way, I ask you to join me in this rite.  Act as my gatekeeper between the worlds.  Let the fire burn bright, opening the way to Olympus.  Let the well flow deep, opening the way to Hades.  Let the Omphalos stand at the center, connecting all the realms into one sacred space, and let the gates be open!

Three Kindreds

Nature spirits. Dryads, daemons, and naiads, creatures of land, sea, and sky.  You who share this realm with us.  I ask you to join me by my hearth fire. 

Make offering

Ancestors.  Heroes, relatives, and friends, you who live on in my heart and through your stories.  I ask you to join me by my hearth fire. 

Make offering

Shining Ones.  Gods that live upon Olympus, worthy of worship.  You from my path and others.  I ask you to join me by my hearth fire. 

Make Offering

Key Offering

Mighty Athena. Defender of cities, glorious crafter, and patron of the heroes.  Master strategist, revered goddess of wisdom, clear thought, foresight, and cunning you provide to those who hold your blessing.  I ask you to join me by my hearth fire.

Make offering of olives

Prayer of Sacrifice

Honor to the spirits of this land.  Honor to the mighty dead.  Honor to the brilliant deities.  Honor to mighty Athena.  Accept this offering!

Make offering


Do a 3 stone draw to determine if my offerings have been accepted and to determine if I should continue with this working.


In the spirit of *ghosti, a gift calls for a gift.  I’ve made my offerings to the Kindred, and in return they bless these waters.  Mighty Kindred, bless these waters with potential and positivity.  Athena, fill this waters with strategy and wisdom, to help me make the right choices.  Let the blessings flow through you and into this cup and into me so that I may use these blessings in my working. 

Drink from the cup

At this time, using a pencil and paper, sketch out a sigil with your intent in mind.  Once you’re happy with the design, pull from the energy of blessed waters and finalize the design with marker. When you feel your design is sufficiently charged, you can either burn it in the sacred fire, or you can carry it with you until you’ve achieved the desired outcome.

Thanking the Beings

Mighty Athena, thank you for your continued blessings upon me.  May I walk with your wisdom.  Athena, thank you for joining me at my hearth fire.

Shining Ones, thank you for your continued blessings upon me.  May I walk with your brilliant light.  Shining ones, thank you for joining me at the hearth fire.

Ancestors, thank you for your continued blessings upon me.  May I walk with your love in my heart.  Ancestors, thank you for joining me at the hearth fire.

Nature spirits, thank you for your continued blessings upon me.  May I continue to walk in peace with you.  Nature spirits, thank you for joining me at the hearth fire.

Closing the Gates

Now it’s time to once again close the gates.  Hecate, powerful goddess of magic, thank you for opening the ways and showing me the crossroads. May I continue to navigate the many roads with your guidance.  Hecate, thank you for joining me at the hearth fire. 

I ask that you once more aid me in returning to the mundane.  Let the omphalos, connected to all the worlds become just a stone.  Let the well running deep to the ancestors become just water.  Let the fire burning brightly to the Shining Ones become just a flame.  Let all be as it was before but the work that we have done.  Hecate, join your magic with mine and let the gates be closed.

Thanking the Earth Mother

Earth Mother, thank you for your continued blessings upon me.  May the work I do continue to honor you.  Earth Mother, thank you for joining me at the hearth fire.

Closing the Rite

Let the energies I’ve put into the world do good things and help me make the desired moves.  Go forth and manifest. 

6.  Write a healing ritual different from other rituals written for this course.

Brighid Healing Rite


Using incense: By the bright light of the fire, may this place be blessed and cleansed.
 Sprinkling water: By the cool waters, may this space be purified and made whole.

Initiate the Rite  

Take a deep breath.  Feel yourself firmly grounded upon the earth, connected directly to the world.  Feel the cool current of the waters flowing deep below your feet, and the bright warmth of the fire high above your head.  Let us be grounded and centered in this space as we prepare to do our work. 

Earth Mother

Danu, goddess of the land and the waters, mother of the Tuatha de.  Mother of nature, lady of the waters, uphold this rite, just as you uphold all. Hail, Danu!

Statement of Purpose

Today we meet to heal those we love.  We send our energies to them and hope to aid them in their recovery.  We hope to aid what ails them, physical pains, emotional hurt, and mental concern.  We create a sacred space to build the energy before we send it to them. 

Recreating the Cosmos

Sacred fire, light and warmth.  Burning flame of inspiration, purifying blaze, mighty flame of the hearth, you who connect us to the Shining Ones.  Sacred fire, come forth. 

Sacred well, waters that flow deep, cauldron of chaos and potential, waters of the deepest sea and the smallest spring, you who connect us to the Ancestors.  Sacred water, flow forth.

Sacred tree, rooted in the earth, touching both the waters below and the flame above, standing at the center of the Cosmos, you who connect us to the Nature Spirits.  Sacred tree, grow forth.

With the light of the fire, and the might of the waters, and the height of the tree, this space has been claimed and hallowed.

Opening the Gates

I now call to Manannan to act as our gatekeeper to watch over this rite and aid us in connecting to the otherworlds.

Manannan mac Lir, master of the sea and the ways in between, I ask that you part the mists between the worlds and open the gates between them.  Give passage to all who come in peace.  Let our words ring through the well to the Ancestors.  Let our words carry high in the smoke to the Shining Ones.  Let the tree carry our words to all worlds.  Let the gates be open.

Three Kindreds

Noble spirits of the land, you of fin, fur and feather, of leaf and stone, we call you to our side.  Meet us at the boundary.  Hail, Nature Spirits!

Make offering

Ancient wise, kin of hearth and blood, you whose bones lie in this land, we call you to our side. Meet us at the boundary.  Hail, Ancestors!

Make offering

Eldest and brightest, gods and goddesses both known and unknown, we call you to our side.  Meet us at the boundary.  Hail, Shining Ones!

Make offering

Key Offering

Brighid, goddess of the triple flame, you who warm our hearth and hearts, goddess of healing who blesses us with life, we call you to our side.  Meet us at the boundary.  Hail, Brighid!

Light Brighid’s candle and Make offering

Prayer of Sacrifice
Now is the time to give offerings to any of the Kindreds or loved ones that you would like to honor.  Come up as you will and bring your offerings.  You may choose to say some words in honor of those you are offering to, or you may speak your intentions in your heart.
Once all offerings have been given:
We have given our gifts freely to honor the Kindred.  We have given our gifts to heal our loved ones.  We offer of ourselves and hope that it brings balance.  Mighty Kindreds, accept these offering!
Make offering


Do a 3 stone draw to determine if my offerings have been accepted and to determine if I should continue with this working.


Hail the Kindred who join us in this rite.  Let their blessings flow into these waters.  Hail Brighid whose flame shines brightly.  Let her blessings flow into these waters.  Let their gifts aid us in the work we do.  Hail!

Drink from the cup


Each participant is handed a white candle.  

Brigid, glorious goddess of fire, we call to you now.  Mighty goddess of healing, we ask for your aid. I pray to you to ask for the healing of our friends and loved ones.

The first participant’s candle is lit from Brigid’s candle, and the flame is passed from person to person while intoning, letting the volume and energy build.  

May your flame burn away all of the illnesses,
May your strength help to ease their pain,
May your blessings heal their wounds.
Let them to be whole and happy.
Send your healing wisdom to their bodies,
So they can heal both seen and unseen.
Send your energy to restore them,
and bless their healing with peace.

Mighty Brigid, merge your magic with ours
Let your blessings flow to our loved ones.
Let them feel your strength,
And let them be healed!  

Glorious Brigid, let our loved ones be healed!

Thanking the Beings

Brilliant Brighid, bright goddess of poets and smiths, thank you for joining us in healing our loved ones.  May your presence continue to help us grow and keep the spark of inspiration alive in us all.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Brighid, we thank you.

Shining Ones, gods and goddesses of our hearths, may you continue to bless and guide us on our paths.  Shining Ones, we thank you for your presence this evening and for your continued gifts upon us.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Shining ones, we thank you.

Ancestors, you who came before us, may you continue to guide us with your knowledge.  Beloved dead, we thank you for your presence this evening and for your continued love and leadership.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Ancestors, we thank you.  

Nature Spirits, honorable ones of groves, plains, and waterways, may you continue to guide us on our paths.  Nature spirits, we thank you for your presence this evening and your continued friendship.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Nature Spirits, we thank you.

Closing the Gates

Manannan mac Lir, ferrier between the worlds, we thank you for parting the mists between the worlds tonight.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Manannan mac Lir, we thank you!

I ask you now to let the mists flow between us once again.  Let the fire be just flames, let the well be just water, let the tree be just a symbol.  Let the Gates be closed. 

Thanking the Earth Mother

Danu, mother of us all, goddess of the cycles of life, we thank you for your presence this evening and always.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Danu, we thank you!

Closing the Rite

We have done as our ancestors did, and as our children will do.  We’ve sent our healing energies to our loved ones, and hope that they will be healed from our work.  Let us go forth knowing that we have done our best.  We’ve made our offerings and the Kindred are pleased.  We go forth under their protection.  This rite is closed.

7.  Write a protection ritual different from other rituals written for this course.

Vedic Protection Rite – Baudhyavihara

Prior to this ritual, take the time to build a hearth fire, either in a fireplace or fire pit.  This fire will need to stay burning throughout the ritual.


Purify using incense: By the sacred fires, light of the brilliant sun, let this flame purify you. May you enter this space with a good heart.

Initiate the Rite  

Ring bell 3 times

Earth Mother

Prithvi, sacred mother of the earth, you are the giver of life.  Blossoming mother, broad and bountiful, you who support the mountains and encompass all life, from beginning to end.  Prithvi, be with us now. 

Statement of Purpose

We stand, feet firmly upon the earth, to protect this place.  We call upon the ancient rite of salagava to create a boundary of peace. Let us pray with good fire.

Recreating the Cosmos
We call now to the sacred fires that create the cosmos.  Sacred fire burning deep inside the earth, mysterious and ever changing.  Sacred sun high above, bright and life bringing.  Sacred hearth, fire that warms our hearts and our homes. Let our fires be connected, and this space made sacred.
Opening the Gates

I call now to Agni, guardian god of the flame, mouth of the Shining Ones, you who live on the earth as fire, in the sky as the sun, and in the atmosphere as lighting, we make these offerings to you and ask that you be with us now.  Join your magic with mine.  Let us step beyond the fire, and let the gates be open.
Three Kindreds

Vanaspati, lords of the forest, spirits of nature, vrksha, oshadhi, and virudha, you who share this realm with us, be with us now.  Welcome, Nature Spirits.

Make offering

Puurvaka, you who walked this land before us, spirits who live in our heart, you who share our blood and our story, be with us now.  Welcome, Ancestors.  

Make offering

Devas, heavenly divine, benevolent beings who are worthy of worship, you who share many lessons with us, be with us now.  Welcome, Shining Ones. 

Make offering

Key Offering

Rudra, god of the hunt, mightiest of the mighty.  Most frightening one with the most severe howl, you who are fierce like a formidable beast, be with us now.  Welcome, Rudra!

Make offering

Prayer of Sacrifice
Through our praise and devotion, we honor the Shining Ones.  Through our honor and respect we offer hospitality to the Nature Spirits.  Through our remembrance and love we praise the Ancestors.  Through our words and work we honor Rudra.  It is our hope that our offerings have conveyed our hospitality to you.  Kindreds all, we honor you.
Maker offering


Do a 3 stone draw to determine if my offerings have been accepted and to determine if I should continue with this working.


Let the blessings of the Vanaspati, growing and green flow into these waters.  Let the blessings of the Puurvaka, wise and devoted flow into these waters.  Let the blessings of the Devas, powerful and benevolent flow into these waters.  Let the blessings of Rudra, mighty and formidable flow into these waters.  Behold, the waters of life. 

Drink from the cup 


Tonight, we borrow from the Vedic rite of salagva to protect our home and ward against the malevolent and malcontent.  The fire is built to bring light and warmth to this space.  In salagva, a spotted cow was sacrificed to ask Rudra to avert evil from their land.  Tonight, we instead offer this meat to him, asking that he aid us in protecting our home.  Mighty Rudra, you with the fiercest roar, protect our boundaries and keep away those beings of mischief. 

Offer meat to the fire and let it burn completely through until the fire is extinguished and turned to ash.  Gather the ash and wrap it in cloth or other containers along with rice to distribute amongst the boundaries of your property.  These act as a ward, as well as continued offerings to Rudra for continued protection

As the sun rises upon this space, let it be bright and warm. I call upon the ancestors to show us how to be brave in the face of adversity. I call upon the nature spirits to show us how to be peaceful in times of hostility. I call upon the deities to show us how to be wise and speak truth about our paths.

Mighty Rudra, let this place be protected. 

Thanking the Beings

Fierce Rudra, mighty howler and protector, you bring peace to this space and comfort to our family.  May our relationship continue to grow together.  Thank you, Rudra. 

Devas, bright shining gods and goddesses, you bring blessings to this space and lessons to our family.  May our relationship continue to grow, together.  Thank you, Shining Ones.

Puurvaka, heroes, guides, guardians, you bring wisdom to this space and love to our family.  May our relationship continue to grow together.  Thank you, Ancestors.

Vanaspati, growing creatures of this earth, you bring growth this this space and sustenance to our family.  May our relationship continue to grow together.  Thank you, Nature Spirits. 

Closing the Gates

I call once more to Agni, god of lightning and the sun, thank you for joining us tonight.  You allowed our words to carry between the realms.  Thank you, Agni.  Now, I ask that you once more join your magic with mine.  Let us step back through the fire to return home, and let the gates be closed.

Thanking the Earth Mother

Prithvi, boundless earth, giver of life, you bring the ever changing cycles to this space, and life to our family.  May our relationship with you continue to grow together.  Thank you, Prithvi. 

Closing the Rite

Let this space and our family be protected.  Let our work please the Kindreds.  Let us pray with good fire.  And let this rite be closed. 

Ring bell 3 times


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