1. Define consensus and collaboration in your
own words, give an example of how each can be applied in a grove setting, and
explain which you prefer and why. (min. 250 words)
Consensus is
a process for decision making within a group.
In this process, participants are given the opportunity to voice and
discuss their opinion on the situation at hand. These group discussions are
intended to create a resolution that best meets the needs and/or desires of the
group. The focus of consensus is to allow the group to work together to move
forward in doing what is best for their common interest and not necessarily
what is best for individual members.
is used in our grove in many circumstances.
For example, each High Day we choose a different hearth culture to
honor. In this process, we frequently
have discussions about each hearth culture and the way they could be honored
for that day. We also discuss how
recently we have honored that hearth culture to make sure we are providing
diversity to our members. At that point,
we try to come to a consensus of which hearth culture or being of occasion
would be most appropriate. Our grove is
still relatively small, so this process works well for us at this time. However, I can see how this would be a much
greater challenge for a large grove to accomplish.
is the process of multiple people working together to achieve a common
goal. In this process, each person puts
some level of work into the project in order to complete the final project.
We also
utilize collaboration within our grove regularly. Frequently, multiple people will collaborate
on the creation of our grove rituals.
Each person will be assigned a different task, such as reviewing the
ritual for consistency or writing selected portions of the rite, or doing
research on the being of occasion to make the ritual as accurate as
possible. This allows for multiple
people to feel involved with the ritual while also making the idea of creating
a ritual less daunting by breaking it into smaller responsibilities.
I believe that consensus and collaboration are vitally important to a newer
grove in order to make everyone feel important and involved in the different
processes of the grove. However, I
personally prefer collaboration and working with people to create the best
thing possible. It’s interesting to see
different perspectives on things and to combine those into one amazing thing
for the group. Also, I believe that consensus could be problematic as the grove
continues to grow.
Describe the following traits of leadership a) Direct, b) Indirect, c)
Reserved, d) Outgoing, e) Urgent, f) Steady, g) Unstructured, h) Precise.
Describe the types which best fit you. (minimum 100 words for each trait, and
100 words for the self-description)
is one of the influencing traits, which describes how you express your thoughts
and assert yourself in social situations.
Someone who has a direct influence trait will often be very assertive
and will present themselves with surety.
These people have blunt and honest communication style. This can across as self-assured, but it can
also be perceived as forceful at times. Direct
people prefer to confront conflicts head on without a lot of procrastination or
“beating around the bush.” They tend to
be comfortable taking charge of situations to get them under control. They are also comfortable getting issues out
in the open in order to resolve them (Handley) .
While some
people are direct in their influence of people, others take a more indirect
route in their communications. Someone
who is indirect uses diplomacy when trying to impact others and tries to make a
strategic plan to make a discussion effective.
They are good at mediating discussions between people and staying
neutral in this process. They also
communicate with others in a way that is very careful and modest, which
prevents other people from being offended by their words. People who are
indirect try to be supportive and approachable to others. They also prefer to work through
disagreements with negotiation instead of spending time debating (Handley) .
Reserved is
a trait that describes how someone responds to social situations. People who are reserved are often quiet in a
group setting and are often uncomfortable reaching out to others for a first
social contact. Reserved people are most
comfortable interacting with people one on one instead of in large groups. These people are often seen as introverts and
gain energy when they are alone or away from activity. When someone who is
reserved does choose to communicate with others, their communication style is
not very expressive and often incorporates few gestures and minimal facial
expression. People who are reserved also
regularly keep their emotions to themselves and try to work through problems on
their own (Handley) .
Outgoing people
are the opposite of those who are reserved.
They enjoy social interactions and will go out of their way to initiate
communication with others. Outgoing
people are expressive and talkative, and frequently enjoy interacting with
people both one on one and in and group settings. They have no issues sharing their feelings
with other people and are often comfortable talking through problems with
others as well. Outgoing people are very expressive in their communication
style and use facial expression or large gestures to share their messages with
others. They are excellent at meeting
new people and putting others at ease, even in awkward situations (Handley) .
is a trait that describes the pace in which people react different
circumstances. People who are urgent take action and make decisions very
quickly without much deliberation. They choose review a limited number of
important options before committing to a direction. Urgent people are comfortable initiating
change if they think it’s beneficial and have no issue moving forward in those transformations.
They also prefer short-termed projects over something that may stretch over a
long period of time. People who react
with an urgent pace tend to react quickly to circumstances, but are also quick
to react if they are frustrated or angry (Handley) .
is the pace trait opposite of urgency.
Steady people tend to spend a lot of time debating and deliberating
before making decisions in order to make sure they’ve reviewed all available
options. They consider many different
options and alternatives before determining which option is the best path to
take. People who are steady prefer
long-term projects that require extended work over short projects with frequent
changes. They tend react slowly when angered or frustrated, thinking through
their responses before trying to resolve the situation. Steady people are good at staying open-minded
in situations and are often very patient when considering other alternative
options (Handley) .
skills vary greatly from person to people.
Some people prefer to keep things as unstructured as possible. Someone
who is unstructured enjoys flexibility and diversity in their life. They are comfortable with procrastination and
postponing actions or events.
Unstructured people may use unconventional methods to complete
tasks. They like to keep their schedule
open and unpredictable with time for spontaneity and freedom to make changes. Unstructured people also take pride in doing
new things in new ways. These people are
very innovative and are good at working around disorganization. They are also capable of working in
situations that may bother other people, such as a disorganized or chaotic
environment (Handley) .
people prefer to be much more precise in their organizational skills. Precise people strive to have their time as structured
and organized. They also prefer to have defined plans with less spontaneity and
more predictability. People who are
precise appreciate organized details and establish procedures to accomplish the
tasks that they need to be doing. They also take pride in doing things in
traditional ways that have “always” worked.
Precise people can be frustrated by a lack of specific direction and
dislike chaotic or unstructured environments.
They are good at organizing and bringing structure to situations. Precise people are also good at seeing ways
to improve systems and policies to make things work more smoothly (Handley) .
myself in these terms has been more of a challenge than I initially
anticipated. When it comes to
influencing, I do believe I am on the more direct side of the spectrum. I am willing to voice my opinion and take
charge of situations that need a direction.
I also have learned to confront conflicts head-on in order to try to
resolve them. My response style is in
the middle of reserved and outgoing.
There are situations that I enjoy interacting with groups, and I use a
lot of facial expression and gesture when I communicate. However, I am also typically very
uncomfortable meeting new people and take a while to get comfortable enough to
be outgoing. I value my personal time to
re-energize myself from social situations. My pacing is definitely urgent. I try to respond to things quickly and often
feel guilty if I can’t respond immediately. I enjoy short-termed projects. However, I also react quickly when angry or
frustrated, so I try to be aware of that.
My organizational skills are very precise. I enjoy organized environments and am
comfortable making procedures and processes.
It’s interesting to see where I fall on each of these spectrums.
3. Define the seven primary skills of leadership
(structure, strategy, staff, style, systems, shared values, strengths/skills). a) Identify the three skills that you are
strongest in. b) Identify the three you are the weakest in and explain how you
plan to improve these skills (min. 400 words describing improvement outlined in
section "b" of this question)
The seven primary skills of leadership
as defined by the McKinsey 7-S Framework are: structure, strategy, staff,
style, systems, shared values, and skills (Mind Tools Ltd.) .
These will be explained below.
Structure is the way an organization is
structured, including the hierarchy and organizational knowledge.
Strategy is the plan or vision of the
organization. Strategy also includes
strategic goals for the organization.
Staff are the team members of an organization
and the skills they may have.
Style describes the leadership style that an
organization adopts and the environment that they have because of it.
Systems are the daily procedures and tasks that
each staff member performs to keep the organization functioning.
Shared values are the core values that an
organization has as displayed through the culture and work ethic.
Skills are the competencies of each member of
staff within an organization (Mind Tools Ltd.) .
I believe the three traits of leadership that
I am the strongest in are structure, strategy, and shared values. Strategically, I am good at setting goals and
planning for the future. I also
appreciate when those goals are aligned with the vision of the organization,
and try to maintain that alignment as often as possible. I also function well within an established
structure, identifying and following the hierarchy as needed to maintain
responsibility and accountability. I
like knowing who is responsible for what tasks, and where that task should be
escalated if it is not completed. I also
share many values with the organizations I am a part of and appreciate the core
values and beliefs of the organization.
Three Weaknesses
find that the three traits that I believe I have room to improve upon are
systems, style, and skills. Systems are the daily procedures people are
responsible for in order to keep the organization functioning as well as
possible. I have already started trying
to improve this area by helping to establish written procedures and
processes. I was a part of the committee
that recently developed the Regional Druid Handbook to establish a clear set of
procedures and expectations for Regional Druids. Prior to this document there were no clear
standards or expectations for Regional Druids to perform, so the experiences
between them varied greatly. I have held
the position of Central Regional Druid for the past four years, so creating a
set of standard operating procedures to follow will be incredibly helpful for
me, while also benefiting future Regional Druids. There are many other areas that I believe
could use this same type of position-specific procedures, and I hope to be able
to continue working on these documents to improve our overall system.
leadership style is something that I have been working to develop and improve
steadily as I continue building my experience within ADF. In general, I am comfortable with my current
leadership style, but I also know there are areas upon which I can
improve. For example, I currently find
myself awkward and uncomfortable in situations where I have to meet new
people. I’ve continued to push past this
initial discomfort to try to be more outgoing and social in those types of
situations. I do this by being active
both in my local community and in larger events, introducing myself to new
people, and trying to maintain connections with those people that I meet to the
best of my abilities. It requires me to
leave my comfort zone, but I think it’s a good thing to adjust. I also aware that my instinct is to be too
urgent in my responses at times if I am angry or upset, so I work to be aware
of that reflex and pace my decisions when I feel emotionally invested in order
to have a more beneficial leadership style.
final area that I want to continue improving are my skills. While I think that I have built a strong
standard set of skills, I know that there is always room for improvement. I
plan to continue working through the many study programs ADF has to offer to
build these skills. I am currently
working through the second circle of the Clergy Training Program and Liturgists
Guild study program as well as the Initiate’s Program, and the study programs
of the Magician, Seer, Bardic, and Brewers Guild. I know that each study program has skills to
teach me, and I want to progress through them to improve who I am, both as a
person and as a leader.
4. Define the stages of burnout. Identify how
you can utilize the strengths and skills of team members to avoid burnout in
yourself and others. (minimum 200 words)
to Mark Gorkin, a licensed clinical social worker and motivational speaker, there
are four primary stages of burnout.
These are: physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion; shame and doubt;
cynicism and callousness; and failure, helplessness, and crisis (Gorkin) . Physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion
describes, exactly that: a person being overly tired on a physical, mental, and
emotional level. The person is exhausted
and may end up cutting corners in order to get tasks completed with less
effort. The next stage of burnout is
“shame and doubt”. People in this stage may lose confidence in their ability to
complete tasks they’ve been assigned. The
third stage is “cynicism and callousness.”
In this stage, people have a pessimistic view of their current situation
and may seem very abrasive in their interactions with others. The final stage of burnout is “failure,
helplessness, and crisis.” This stage is
often filled with feelings of powerlessness and letdown, leading the person to
lose all faith in their ability to do the job they are assigned. These stages can vary person to person, and
the amount of time it takes to get to this point is not an exact science.
how do we prevent people from feeling burnt out? I think the easiest way to address this is to
look at the different areas that may lead to burnout: workload, control,
reward, community, fairness, and values (Maslach and Leiter) .
An imbalance in any one of these
areas can lead to burnout, so maintaining balance is important. Workload is something frequently discussed
within ADF. People have expressed
concerned over leaders who have too much work to do or too many roles to
fulfill. However, I know some people
thrive on maintaining multiple roles, so this is something only the individual
can really control. The most important
thing that ADF can do is to provide sufficient resources for these people to
help them perform their duties successfully.
is another area that is very important to some people. They appreciate being able to influence
directions and have some power over their own situation. Utilizing tools like
collaboration can help people feel heard and allow them to feel like they have
an impact. Reward is something that is
more challenging to control in an organization like ADF. Most of the positions we have are volunteer
positions, so there isn’t monetary compensation available. However, I think it’s important to
acknowledge the good work that people are doing as often as possible and not
focus only on areas where there are problems. Community can easily make someone
feel joyful or burnt out. If someone
feels isolated or disrespected, they are going to be much less effective than
if they feel like they are part of a team.
Finally, treating all people fairly and with the same values also gives
us the opportunity to have a more favorable and inclusive environment for
5. Using the information you have learned in
this course, what do you feel makes a person an effective leader in ADF? (min.
200 words)
of the things I appreciate most about the leadership in ADF is the diversity we
see amongst those in leadership roles. There isn’t a cookie-cutter mold that
out leaders can fit into, and I appreciate that. However, there are certain
skills that definitely play a role in the effectiveness of our leadership. The first thing that I think is very
important is having strong organizational skills. Requirements, such as quarterly reports, make
the ability to track and organize communications and activities very
important. Additionally, our leadership
needs to be able to function independently without a lot of guidance from
others. Unfortunately, many of our
leadership positions don’t have a standard operating manual or strict
guidelines as to what is expected.
Because of this, an effective leader needs to be able to work on their
own and have the initiative to work in that type of environment. They also need to have a firm understanding
of the policies and vision of ADF to be able to act within those guidelines.
trait that I think is vital within our leadership is strong communication
skills and the ability to listen to others.
This is important in all organizations, but within ADF it is important
for two large reasons. First, a lot of our organizational activity happens
online, requiring the ability to interact in writing both to communicate with
members and to work with other leaders.
Additionally, we are a religious organization and religion is something
that people feel very strongly about so emotions are often high. Leaders need to be able to communicate with
others in a way that is respectful in order to prevent accidentally offending
members. They need to be willing to
listen to members and other leaders while keeping an open mind, and need to
have the ability to be non-judgmental in their responses. This can be quite a challenge at times, but
it is necessary for our membership to have positive interactions.
final trait that I think is very important for our leaders to display is a
sense of self awareness. It’s important to know your own strengths and
weaknesses. An effective leader should
be able to recognize when they are able to resolve an issue, and when they are
in a situation that they are not able to resolve in order to be able to ask for
guidance and assistance from others when necessary.
Gorkin, Mark. The Four Stages of Burnout. n.d.
March 2016. <http://www.stressdoc.com/4stages.htm>.
Handley, Patrick. Insight Inventory. n.d. February 2016.
Maslach, Christina and Michael P Leiter. Reversing Burn Out. n.d.
March 2016.
Mind Tools Ltd. The McKinsey 7-S Framework. 2016. March 2016.
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