Wheat Stalk Two Powers

Take a moment to make yourself comfortable. Stand in a comfortable position, or sit on the ground and adjust until you feel content and relaxed. Take a deep breath in and exhale as you close your eyes. Take a slow breath in and exhale slowly.

While you continue to breathe deeply, allow your body to relax, releasing the tension from your head and shoulders, from your arms and hands, from your chest and torso, and finally from your legs and feet. Allow that tension to flow away from your body as you relax into your position as you continue to breathe slowly and evenly.

In your mind’s eye, see yourself as a stalk of wheat, swaying in the breeze, golden and full of life. Feel the wind upon as it blows past you. Feel the warmth of the sun shining down on you. Look around you and see that you are not alone, but instead you are one stalk in a field of many, each growing and moving on their own, yet similar in many ways.

Now look back upon yourself and hear your breath. Breathe deeply, feel your roots grow down into the ground beneath you, through dark soil and rock, through the history of the world, each breath driving your roots deeper into the ground. Feel your roots break through the soil and dive deeply into the cool, nourishing waters of the well below the earth. Feel your roots dance in the cool, chaotic waters.

Once more, take a deep breath and feel the waters pull up through your roots. Feel the waters climb up through the earth and into your body, flowing into the stem and filling the leaves that make up your body. Breathe again and feel the cool waters rise into your head, flowing into the kernels of knowledge and growth. Feel it overflow, and return to the earth below.

As you stand proudly, filled of the nourishing waters of the earth, breathe deeply and turn your attention to the bright sky above. See the light of the moon, the sun, and even further away, the stars of potential glowing brightly in the distance. Feel yourself reaching up, from roots to tip, stretching to feel the warmth of the light above you. Feel the rays of light, warm and comforting, upon your face.

Breathe deeply and feel the warmth of the sun shining down upon you. Feel the light warm down through your head and into your body, warming the seeds of thought and down into your stem and leaves. Breath again and feel the warm light shine into your roots, warming the earth around you. Feel it spread through the field around you.

Feel the warm light and cool waters dancing inside of you, combining and filling you with potential. When you’re ready, feel yourself step forward, out of the stalk of wheat and into the field surrounding you. Feel the soil beneath your feet. Watch the wheat dance around you. Watch the stalks sway lightly, and then part, revealing a path in front of you. Follow this path through the golden field. As you approach the center of the field, you see many paths of different size and shape leading in the same direction, a labyrinth. Follow your path into the heart of the labyrinth. There you see a robed figure, waiting patiently for you to approach. This is Demeter, glorious mother and goddess of growth. Demeter approaches you, welcoming you to her space. Speak to her. Ask her to teach you her secrets. The goddess looks at you and extends her hand with a smile. Take her hand and follow her through the labyrinth toward the place where her secrets are hidden. Listen to her words, and let her show you her mysteries.

Listen to her message, meant for your ears only, and follow her words

It is now time to return to our realm. Let Demeter guide you back to to the entrance of the labyrinth, watching the signs along the way so you can return to her again. Thank Demeter for meeting you at this place, and for providing you guidance along this path and listen to any parting message she has for you.

As she turns to walk away, see your path returning into the field. Follow the trail, back to your stalk of wheat. Take a deep breath and step into the grain, feeling the warm light and cool waters still flowing within. Take another breath and as you exhale, feel the two powers begin to release, light energy flowing up from your roots, through your body, and back into the sky high above. Feel the waters flowing down, through you, and into the soil below. Take another breath and find yourself back in your own body, relaxed and comfortable. Wiggle your toes and fingers. Take a moment to settle in, and then open your eyes.


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