Book 24: The King

The goddess Rumor flies through the city, spreading the news of the events at the palace.  The parents of those slain initially try to hunt down Odysseus, but Athena steps in and calms them all, stopping the violence and making them forget their children all together.  With peace restored, Odysseus is made King.

Working Method: Crafting and Focused Energy
For our final working, we will make yourself a crown. This crown will represent all the hardship we've overcome, and the success upon our journey.  Fill it with confidence and joy at finding peace at home once more. Keep this crown and know that wearing it in the future will help to restore those feelings time and time again.

You can use whatever crafting supplies you prefer, whether it be paper, flowers, wire, etc. In your working space, enter a light trance in your preferred method. Once you've entered into trance, you may want to take an omen to determine what your focus or messages should be. Then, when you're ready, begin creating a crown of your very own. While crafting, focus on the positive outcomes you hope accompany this journey and the omen you received about your work. After you have created your crown, place it upon your own head and know that you have success in this journey.

Congratulations! You have walked through the Odyssey.


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