Fall Equinox – Kore In Balance
Initiating the Rite
Light Hestia’s hearth
candle and say:
I have come today to honor the Kindred, and to walk the
cycle of the year, and explore the mysteries. Mighty Hestia, brighten this work
with your fire.
Give offering to
Wash hands and face in
bowl of water and center yourself for ritual.
Honoring the Earth Mother
Gaia, primal goddess of the world,
great mother of all. You were the first to be born from Chaos
and from you all life has formed. With your name, we grow and change. Come forth and dwell in this space.
and from you all life has formed. With your name, we grow and change. Come forth and dwell in this space.
Give offering to Gaia
Statement of Purpose
The Greater Mysteries occurred during the harvest season,
representing the days Demeter spent wandering the earth in search for Kore
after her descent into Hades. Participants in this ceremony were blindfolded
and taken into the sacred temple of Demeter. They were purified and crowned
with myrtle wreaths before being given their final chance to leave. It was then that the second initiation would
begin and explored Kore’s descent into the underworld. Today, we gather here to celebrate these
(Re)Creating the Cosmos
Sacred well, waters of wisdom, connected to the rivers of
the underworld, carry our words to the beloved dead. Act as a gateway through which we can honor
them. Sacred well, accept our offering.
Give offering of
Sacred fire, burning inspiration, your smoke rising to the
heavens high above, carry our words to the many gods. Act as a gateway through which we can honor
them. Sacred fire, accept our offering.
Give offering of
Sacred center, mighty Omphalos, marking the center of all
the worlds, carry our words to all the realms.
Act as a gateway through which we can honor the Kindred. Sacred center,
accept our offering.
Give offering of oil
Opening the Gates
I call now to Hermes, messenger of the gods. Swift footed
god of the roads, we ask that you meet us at the boundary and guide our journey
between the realms. Come forth and dwell
in this space.
Give offering of
Hermes, I ask that you aid me in opening the gates. Let the fire, burning bright, open to
Olympus. Let the waters, flowing deep,
open to Hades. Let the Omphalos connect
this realm with all others. Hermes, join
your magic with mine and let the gates be open.
Inviting the Three Kindreds
Ancestors, you who walked this world before me. Heroes, friends, and family. You helped bring my story into existence, so
I remember your existence by telling your story. Meet me at the boundary. Welcome, Ancestors.
Give offering of
Nature Spirits, you who share this realm with us. Dryads, fawns, and nymphs. Rabbit, lizard, and squirrel. You share this realm with us, both when we
see you and often when we don’t. Meet me
at the boundary. Welcome, Nature
Give offering of bird
Shining Ones, mighty Gods and Goddesses. You who influence my path, and guide those I
love on their own journeys. You form
this world and our experiences within it.
I ask you now to meet me at the boundary. Welcome, Shining Ones.
Give offering of wine.
Key Offerings
Blessed Kore, goddess of growth, maiden of the spring’s
bounty. Goddess of grain, fruits and
bread. You brought joy to the world as
you danced with the nymphs in the flowery meadows. Your descent with Hades brought darkness to
the world. Today, we stand equalized,
before your descent but knowing it will come soon, balanced between the light
and dark. We call to you today during this equinox and ask that you join us in
this ritual. Welcome, Kore.
Give offering of bread.
Prayer of Sacrifice
Place bones and veggie
scraps into the fire.
In ancient practices, these gifts were given to the gods to
honor them. Kore, your journey brings us
light and dark, joy and loss, give and take.
We give you these gifts to reflect the reciprocity and keep things in balance. Kore, we give these gifts to you. Accept this offering.
Take portion of sacred
Pour kykeon libations
into the fire.
To all who gather here, we give these gifts in love and
respect. Mighty Kindred, accept this
Pull 3 stones from
Greek Alphabet Oracle for omen
Calling/Hallowing/Affirming the Blessings
In the spirit of *ghosti, a gift calls for a gift. I’ve made
my offerings to the Kindred, and in
return they bless these waters. Kore, you bring balance to
the world as you descend and return.
Bless these waters with the balance of the equinox. Behold, the waters of life.
Drink from the cup
Meeting Persephone Meditation:
Take a moment to make yourself comfortable. Stand in a
comfortable position, or sit on the
ground and adjust until you feel content and relaxed. Take a
deep breath in and exhale as you
close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.
While you continue to breathe deeply, allow your body to
relax, releasing the tension
from your head and shoulders, from your arms and hands, from
your chest and torso, and finally from your legs and feet. Allow that tension
to flow away from your body as you relax into your position as you continue to
breath slowly and evenly.
In your mind’s eye, see yourself as a beautiful flower,
swaying in the breeze, brightly colored and full of life. Feel the wind upon
you as it blows past. Feel the warmth of the sun shining down on you. Look
around you and see that you are not alone, but instead you are one flower in a
meadow of many, each growing and moving on their own, seeming to dance in the
Breathe deeply, feel your small roots grow down into the
ground beneath you, through dark soil deep into the ground and the cool,
nourishing waters below.
Once more, take a deep breath and feel the waters pull up
through your roots. Feel the
waters climb up through the earth and into your body,
flowing into the stem and filling the leaves that make up your body. Breathe
again and feel the cool waters rise into your head, flowing into your petals.
As you stand, filled of the nourishing waters of the earth,
breathe deeply and turn your attention to the bright sky above. See the warm
sun high above. Feel yourself reaching
up, from roots to petals, stretching to feel the bright light above you. Feel
the rays of light, warm and comforting, upon your face. Feel the light warm
down through your head and into your body, warming the seeds of thought and
down into your stem and leaves. Feel the warm light and cool waters dancing
inside of you, combining and filling you with potential.
When you’re ready, feel yourself step forward, out of the
flower and into the meadow surrounding you. Feel the soil beneath your feet.
Watch the flowers dance around you.
Watch the flowers sway lightly, and then part, revealing a
path in front of you. Follow this path
through the brightly colored field. As you approach the
center of the meadow, you see many paths of different size and shape leading in
the same direction, a labyrinth. Follow your path toward the labyrinth, but
instead of taking your normal entrance you see an entrance covered in vines and
As you step inside, you see a beautiful figure, waiting
patiently for you to approach. This is Persephone, glorious goddess of spring
and queen of the underworld. Persephone approaches you, welcoming you to this
place. Speak to her. Ask her to teach you her secrets. The goddess looks at you
and extends her hand with a smile. Take her hand and follow her through the
labyrinth toward the place where her secrets are hidden. Listen to her words,
and let her show you her mysteries. Listen to her message, meant for your ears
only, and follow her words.
It is now time to return to our realm. Let Persephone guide
you back to the entrance of the
labyrinth, watching the signs along the way so you can
return to her again. Thank Persephone for meeting you at this place, and for
providing you guidance along this path and listen to any
parting message she has for you.
As she turns to walk away, see your path returning into the
meadow. Follow the trail, back to
your flower. Take a deep breath and step into the plant,
feeling the warm light and cool
waters still flowing within. Take another breath and as you
exhale, feel the two powers begin to
release, light energy flowing up from your roots, through
your body, and back into the sky high
above. Feel the waters flowing down, through you, and into
the soil below. Take another breath
and find yourself back in your own body, relaxed and
comfortable. Wiggle your toes and
fingers. Take a moment to settle in, and then open your
Thanking the Beings
Blessed Kore, thank you for the balance you bring to the
world. By Hades side, you rule the
underworld, yet return to bring us spring. For walking through the cycle of the
year with us, beautiful Kore, we thank you!
Shining Ones, mighty gods and goddesses, thank you for
joining us at the boundary tonight. May
our work continue to please you. Shining
Ones, we thank you.
Nature Spirits, you who share this realm with us, thank you
for joining us at the boundary tonight.
May our work continue to please you.
Nature spirits, we thank you.
Ancestors, you who walked this world before me, thank you
for joining us at the boundary tonight.
May our work continue to please you.
Ancestors, we thank you.
Closing the Gates
I call once more to you, Hermes, swift footed god. Thank you for guiding our journey tonight.
May our work continue to please you.
Hermes, we thank you.
Hermes, before you depart, I ask that you once again join me
in closing the gates. Let the fire,
burning bright, be just a flame. Let the
waters, flowing deep, be just water. Let
the Omphalos standing firm, be just a stone.
Hermes, join your magic with mine and let the gates be closed.
Thanking the Earth Mother
Gaia, primal goddess of the world, thank you for upholding
this rite. May our work continue to
please you. Gaia, we thank you.
Closing the Rite
We gathered here to honor the Kindred and walk the cycle of
the year. This rite has ended, but our
exploration of the mysteries continue.
Mighty Hestia, though we extinguish this flame, let your fire burn
within us all.
Extinguish hearth
This rite is ended.
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