Brighid Healing Rite

Brighid Healing Rite


Using incense: By the bright light of the fire, may this place be blessed and cleansed.
 Sprinkling water: By the cool waters, may this space be purified and made whole.

Initiate the Rite  

Take a deep breath.  Feel yourself firmly grounded upon the earth, connected directly to the world.  Feel the cool current of the waters flowing deep below your feet, and the bright warmth of the fire high above your head.  Let us be grounded and centered in this space as we prepare to do our work. 

Earth Mother

Danu, goddess of the land and the waters, mother of the Tuatha de.  Mother of nature, lady of the waters, uphold this rite, just as you uphold all. Hail, Danu!

Statement of Purpose

Today we meet to heal those we love.  We send our energies to them and hope to aid them in their recovery.  We hope to aid what ails them, physical pains, emotional hurt, and mental concern.  We create a sacred space to build the energy before we send it to them. 

Recreating the Cosmos

Sacred fire, light and warmth.  Burning flame of inspiration, purifying blaze, mighty flame of the hearth, you who connect us to the Shining Ones.  Sacred fire, come forth. 

Sacred well, waters that flow deep, cauldron of chaos and potential, waters of the deepest sea and the smallest spring, you who connect us to the Ancestors.  Sacred water, flow forth.

Sacred tree, rooted in the earth, touching both the waters below and the flame above, standing at the center of the Cosmos, you who connect us to the Nature Spirits.  Sacred tree, grow forth.

With the light of the fire, and the might of the waters, and the height of the tree, this space has been claimed and hallowed.

Opening the Gates

I now call to Manannan to act as our gatekeeper to watch over this rite and aid us in connecting to the otherworlds.

Manannan mac Lir, master of the sea and the ways in between, I ask that you part the mists between the worlds and open the gates between them.  Give passage to all who come in peace.  Let our words ring through the well to the Ancestors.  Let our words carry high in the smoke to the Shining Ones.  Let the tree carry our words to all worlds.  Let the gates be open.

Three Kindreds

Noble spirits of the land, you of fin, fur and feather, of leaf and stone, we call you to our side.  Meet us at the boundary.  Hail, Nature Spirits!

Make offering

Ancient wise, kin of hearth and blood, you whose bones lie in this land, we call you to our side. Meet us at the boundary.  Hail, Ancestors!

Make offering

Eldest and brightest, gods and goddesses both known and unknown, we call you to our side.  Meet us at the boundary.  Hail, Shining Ones!

Make offering

Key Offering

Brighid, goddess of the triple flame, you who warm our hearth and hearts, goddess of healing who blesses us with life, we call you to our side.  Meet us at the boundary.  Hail, Brighid!

Light Brighid’s candle and Make offering

Prayer of Sacrifice
Now is the time to give offerings to any of the Kindreds or loved ones that you would like to honor.  Come up as you will and bring your offerings.  You may choose to say some words in honor of those you are offering to, or you may speak your intentions in your heart.
Once all offerings have been given:
We have given our gifts freely to honor the Kindred.  We have given our gifts to heal our loved ones.  We offer of ourselves and hope that it brings balance.  Mighty Kindreds, accept these offering!
Make offering


Do a 3 stone draw to determine if my offerings have been accepted and to determine if I should continue with this working.


Hail the Kindred who join us in this rite.  Let their blessings flow into these waters.  Hail Brighid whose flame shines brightly.  Let her blessings flow into these waters.  Let their gifts aid us in the work we do.  Hail!

Drink from the cup


Each participant is handed a white candle.  

Brigid, glorious goddess of fire, we call to you now.  Mighty goddess of healing, we ask for your aid. I pray to you to ask for the healing of our friends and loved ones.

The first participant’s candle is lit from Brigid’s candle, and the flame is passed from person to person while intoning, letting the volume and energy build.  

May your flame burn away all of the illnesses,
May your strength help to ease their pain,
May your blessings heal their wounds.
Let them to be whole and happy.
Send your healing wisdom to their bodies,
So they can heal both seen and unseen.
Send your energy to restore them,
and bless their healing with peace.

Mighty Brigid, merge your magic with ours
Let your blessings flow to our loved ones.
Let them feel your strength,
And let them be healed!  

Glorious Brigid, let our loved ones be healed!

Thanking the Beings

Brilliant Brighid, bright goddess of poets and smiths, thank you for joining us in healing our loved ones.  May your presence continue to help us grow and keep the spark of inspiration alive in us all.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Brighid, we thank you.

Shining Ones, gods and goddesses of our hearths, may you continue to bless and guide us on our paths.  Shining Ones, we thank you for your presence this evening and for your continued gifts upon us.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Shining ones, we thank you.

Ancestors, you who came before us, may you continue to guide us with your knowledge.  Beloved dead, we thank you for your presence this evening and for your continued love and leadership.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Ancestors, we thank you. 

Nature Spirits, honorable ones of groves, plains, and waterways, may you continue to guide us on our paths.  Nature spirits, we thank you for your presence this evening and your continued friendship.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Nature Spirits, we thank you.

Closing the Gates

Manannan mac Lir, ferrier between the worlds, we thank you for parting the mists between the worlds tonight.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Manannan mac Lir, we thank you!

I ask you now to let the mists flow between us once again.  Let the fire be just flames, let the well be just water, let the tree be just a symbol.  Let the Gates be closed. 

Thanking the Earth Mother

Danu, mother of us all, goddess of the cycles of life, we thank you for your presence this evening and always.  May we always have a blessed relationship with you.  Danu, we thank you!

Closing the Rite

We have done as our ancestors did, and as our children will do.  We’ve sent our healing energies to our loved ones, and hope that they will be healed from our work.  Let us go forth knowing that we have done our best.  We’ve made our offerings and the Kindred are pleased.  We go forth under their protection.  This rite is closed.


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