Requirement #1: Key concepts from
required reading:
1. What three factors
("subcategories") does Bonewits identify as determining the impact of
"familiarity" on the success of a ritual? Briefly discuss the ways in
which personal or family-only ritual is aided or hindered by these factors when
compared to public group ritual. (Minimum 100 words)
Familiarity, when being discussed in a
ritual context, is how well the people participating in the ritual know each
other and how comfortable they are working together. Bonewits breaks down familiarity into three
categories: knowledge, affection, and group identity (Bonewits 57) . Knowledge is the amount of understanding the
participants have about the ritual and the other people involved. In a personal
practice, having a strong knowledge of the subject and ritual format can help
create a positive ritual experience.
Affection examines the emotional
connection that ritual participants have with each other. In a personal ritual,
the focus of affection is different, and instead the affection is for the work
itself. If you feel that the ritual
you’re performing is a chore or hassle then it won’t work as well as if it’s
something you’re doing out of affection and appreciation.
Group identity is the third factor of
familiarity that Bonewits discusses, and this was a portion of familiarity that
I had not considered before. Having a group identity allows the group to focus
their intention and purpose of the ritual more effectively than clashing
individual identities may. For example,
my protogrove is made up of many pantheons, including Norse, Greek, Celtic, and
Vedic. This diversity could easily make
doing group worship a challenge, but instead we work together to explore new
pantheons with our rituals, and as a group we are able to focus our energies
and experience new things together.
2. What six methods of prayer does Ceisiwr
Serith describe? Briefly suggest an example of how you might employ each in
your personal worship practices. You may include worship with a group if
applicable. (Minimum 200 words)
Ceisiwr Serith describes the following
six methods of prayer: Praying through
Words, Praying through Posture, Praying through Motion, Praying through Dance,
Praying through Music, Praying through Gestures (Serith) .
through Words
Praying through words is the type of
prayer that I am most familiar with. My
morning devotional is a prayer said aloud, meal prayers are done through words,
and my typical rituals are spoken aloud.
For my personal practice, I tend to use verbal prayers the most
frequently to connect with deities, or to ask for guidance from them. In moments of stress I look for a prayer in
my mind to help me relax.
through Posture
The most comfortable prayer through
position for me is similar to the “orans” position discussed by Serith where you
stand with your arms are parallel to the ground and your hands open with palms
forward (Serith 21) . However, I typically keep my elbows to my
side and have only the lower part of my arms out ahead of me, but I feel the
purpose is the same. When I hallow and affirm the waters of life, I hold the
pitcher well above my head to show that I’m lifting the waters toward the
Kindreds to receive their blessings. I
also frequently kneel or crouch down toward the ground when calling the Earth
Mother, both as a way to be physically closer to her, but also to show that I
am humbled by her and greatly respect her presence.
through Motion
Prayer through motion shows how
moving from one position to another can strengthen the meaning of your words
and give them energy. Serith describes
circumambulation, which means “walking around something” as one way to use
motion as prayer (Serith 23) . One area that I see this reflected in my
practice is with the opening of the well.
While, I don’t typically walk around the well itself, I do use my arm to
make a clockwise motion to open the gate, which is probably closer to a gesture
than motion. I then use a clockwise
motion to once again close the well when the ritual is done. I can see this being used in magic as well
when casting a circle for the working.
You would walk clockwise to invoke your circle, and counter-clockwise to
release it.
through Dance
Dancing is a type of praying that I don’t
frequently use in my personal practice, however, I have found it to be a very
effective means of trance induction.
However, this fall I was able to attend a workshop on community building
through dance, which was very interesting.
The idea is that by having a simple dance you help to build energy,
while also helping people to learn to trust the actions of the other
participants and appreciate their presence.
I do think that dancing is a great way to show emotion, and understand
that it could be used effectively to pray for some people.
through Music
Praying through music is a beautiful
practice. By sharing the gift of music
with the Kindreds or with those people around you, you are giving a very
personal part of yourself as an offering.
The act of drumming can help to build energy and enthusiasm in a
ritual. Singing a song can focus the
intention of all the participants, while also helping them to feel more
actively involved if they know the words.
Music can be an incredible way to build connections with other people, as
well as the Kindreds.
through Gestures
The intention of gestures in my practice is
to help strengthen and reinforce the words that I am speaking. The most
intentional gestures I use are when calling the Kindreds. When calling to the
Ancestors, I keep my elbows by my side while my forearms are extended and my
palms face the ground. When calling to the Nature Spirits, I once again keep my
elbows by my side and my forearms extended, but my hands then face out, away
from my body. Finally, when calling to
the Shining Ones, I rotate my arms, so that my elbows are still by my side, but
my extended forearms and palms are facing up toward the sky. I use these
positions based on the cosmological location of each of the Three
Kindreds. By using my hands to gesture
in the direction of their realm, I am also sending my intentions and energy in
the direction they exist in, which helps to further make a connection with
3. What arguments does Ceisiwr Serith make in
support of set prayers (as opposed to spontaneous prayers)? Discuss how these
arguments apply (or do not apply) to solitary Pagan prayer. (Minimum 200 words)
Ceisiwr Serith argues that having set
prayers is an important part of our spirituality. There are two arguments that he has in favor
of having set prayers that most affected my thoughts. First, people facing troubling times may have
difficulty coming up with spontaneous prayer, while other people may just not
feel that they have the knowledge or ability to write prayers that can properly
convey their feelings. “There are times when we want to pray, but words fail
us” (Serith 66) . The second reason for set prayers is that “it
is impossible for people to pray spontaneously as a group” (Serith 67) . People need to know what to say in order to
be comfortable praying together.
Set prayers definitely have their
utility and can be beneficial in many situations. Set prayers are useful when you don’t know
what to say. They can help you focus in tough
times and give you words to speak when you feel lost. Being
a solitary member of a larger group, set prayers may be able to help you feel
more connected to the group if you know everyone says the same prayers that
you’re saying even though you are practicing alone. They can also be beneficial for people who
are new to the path by giving them prayers to start from when they may not have
the knowledge or comfort level to create a prayer themselves. However, I also
see a lot of value in sporadic prayers in personal practice. Being able to express my emotions and desires
at the moment is often a more intense and personal connection than reciting a
familiar prayer may be.
Requirement #2:
Documenting personal ritual practice:
4. Keep and submit for review a journal
documenting the development and observance of the personal/household worship
customs described above covering a period of not less than four months,
including one observance of a seasonal festival, such as one of the eight ADF
High Days. Entries are to be not less than weekly. The text of individual
prayers and longer devotional rituals should be provided as frequently as
possible. Regular practices occurring less than weekly will be considered if
they are documented as revivals or reconstructions of historically attested
observances occurring less than weekly.
Month 1
9/1/14 to 9/7/14
Discipline has really never been my
strong suite when it comes to practicing my spirituality. So much of my
life is ritualized that I feel much more comfortable sporadic rituals or
prayers when I feel like I need to do something, so I know these CTP courses
will be a challenge for me. The discipline portion of the Dedicant Path
was one of the most challenging parts of that program for me. I
understand the importance of having a regular practice, but this course
definitely makes me feel anxious. I’ve started this process by using a
morning Sun Devotional that is based on the writings of David Crawford.
It’s a very simple prayer, but it gives me the ability to do the
devotional no matter where I am, which is important with my crazy schedule.
The sun rises, refreshed and renewed, as
do I into this new day.
Through the ancestors, may I gain
Through the nature spirits, may I find
And through the gods may I learn wisdom,
for it is through the Kindreds that I am
made whole.
This week I was also blessed with the
opportunity to attend the Midnight Flame Festival in Michigan. The
festival is a twelve-hour drive from my home, but the fellowship and experience
is absolutely worth it. Before I left, I said a brief prayer to Hestia,
goddess of the hearth and home, and asked that she watch over my home and
family in my absence and to keep them safe and warm. I also gave an offering to Hermes and ask
that he watch over our travels and allow us to make it to our destination
My devotional work during this week took
on a much different meaning than it typically does. I spent the day
attending workshops to explore different aspects of spirituality, which always
makes me feel much more connected and introspective. I was also honored
to get to experience the first two steps of Jan Avende’s Initiate Program
completion, including her exit interview and a full COoR ritual done in with a
Hellenic focus. Her ritual was inspirational and moving. I also
experienced a COoR ritual performed by Grove of the Midnight Sun and several
members of ADF Clergy. During this ritual I witnessed the ordination of Matthew
Rutledge, which was the first time that I have ever seen the ordination rite.
It was moving and extremely emotional for me considering I had just been
accepted to the CTP myself, and knowing that I may be standing where he was
some day.
Attending Midnight Flame also gave me the
opportunity to meet Rev. Kirk Thomas for the first time and discuss the current
role of Regional Druids, their history, and his expectations of the role, which
was incredibly important to me because it’s a position that I’m very proud to
hold. The Festival closed with a large Sumbel, which once again moved me
to tears. The love and support seen within the ADF community never ceases
to amaze me. It makes me proud to be a part of the organization. I
received a candle from Jan Avende that had been lit from the Hellenic Kin Flame
and spent the trip home exploring my own thoughts, what the study program means
to me, and ultimately my expectations of ordination. Attending this
festival was an amazing way to begin the Clergy Training Program. Learning that
I had been accepted while there let me share the excitement with the people who
care for me and understand what this means. I couldn’t think of a better
way to start this new, exciting path.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Pi -- Perseverance through adversity
-- Successful harvest
-- Blessing in disguise
9/8/14 to 9/14/14
September 11th is an unofficial day of
mourning within the US. People mourn the loss of those who were killed on
September 11, 2001 and those who have died in the war that followed. It
brings about a sense of community that is often missing in my city life. In
many Indo-European cultures, ancestors were honored and worshiped in the home,
so it seemed appropriate to take this time to honor my own ancestors, for
without them I would not be who I am. My meditation this week was focused
on those ancestors. I started a sonic driving recording that I was
comfortable with and sat myself in a comfortable position. I then began
to visualize myself sinking into the ground, into the realm of the ancestors.
Once there I was able to visualize the many ancestors who came before me.
I thanked each one, both those I knew and those I couldn’t recognize by
saying: “Hail to you, ancestor. Thank you for the gifts that your life
has given to me. Without you I would not be who I am.” I
repeated this over and over, honoring them in a very personal way. I then
returned to this realm, sad at those I had lost, but grateful that they are a
part of my existence. I did this each day this week as a dedication to
them, as a way to remember all those lost, and to welcome my ancestors into my
home as a part of my spirituality. I then did an Omen at the end of the week to
try to sum up the experiences, and the Omen definitely seemed fitting. It
shows that I need to be responsible for myself, and that I have high hopes for
things that could grow in the future. I also need to remember that what
goes around, comes around, which means can be positive or negative, but I took
this as a positive step. By honoring the ancestors and welcoming them
into my heart and home, I truly believe they will walk this path with me and
help me to become the best person I can be.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Phi -- Take responsibility for actions
-- Desire for offspring from a righteous union
-- What goes around, comes around
9/15/14 to 9/21/14
I spent this week trying to focus on my
morning Sun Devotional, which helps honor the Kindreds and welcome them both
into my life and into my home. I’m working to get it to be a more regular
practice for me. It is often challenging for me to remember to take this
step in the morning when rushing around to try to get myself ready for work and
my son ready for school. However, I’m trying. I feel like I need to
do more than just the prayer, so I’ve started to also light incense with my
prayer as a form of offering. I light the incense as I say my devotional
and then place the burning stick in a burner outside of my front door because I
am not comfortable leaving anything burning in my house when I am not going to
be there. This still doesn’t feel quite comfortable to me, but I will
continue to work on building something that works for me.
Alphabet Oracle -- Rho -- Hold your ground and
you will succeed
-- Life giving sun watches you
-- What goes around, comes around
9/22/14 to 9/28/14
This week was Pagan Pride Day - Omaha,
which is something I have been a part of for the past two years, since its
inception. I put a lot of effort into making this event successful, just to
find myself torn down by the figurative “leader” of the group. It made me
overwhelmingly emotional and forced me to spend several days focused upon my
own needs. I spent the week saying prayers to Hestia, Demeter, and Athena
while focusing on cleansing and purifying my home and myself. I made
offerings to each of these goddesses, as well as the Earth Mother to provide me
strength and stability when I felt the world around me had been shaken. By the
end of the week I was ready for the big event, and ready to conquer the
obstacles in my way.
Glorious Hestia,
Goddess of hearth and home,
please watch over my home and kin
in these hard times.
Graceful Demeter,
Goddess of fertility and harvest,
please guide me and help me to
grow along this spiritual path.
Gracious Athena,
Goddess of wisdom and inspiration,
please grant me your wisdom so
I can make the right decisions in
the days to come.
It was an interesting experience for me
to call on upon the deities for assistance because it’s not something that I
typically have done in the past, but it felt necessary during this emotional
time. Ultimately, Pagan Pride Day Omaha 2014 was quite successful and I’m
quite proud of what we’ve continued to accomplish. The day started with
me smudging the entire park while chanting my Sun Devotional. The weather
was warm and the sunshine upon my skin as I walked through the grass helped me
feel warmed and filled with light, and I tried to share that positive energy
within the space. I then knelt at the entrance and said a short prayer to
Gaia to thank her for her land and to ask her to help keep negativity away.
Gaia, mother of all,
you who grant us nourishment and
thank you for letting us use this
beautiful space to gather and build community.
Please help us to maintain energy and
keep the negativity at bay.
For all of your gifts, Gaia, we thank
I then participated in the opening Wiccan
ritual. The day was filled with workshops and fellowship, which was a
huge blessing to me. I presented two workshops, first a guided meditation which
was a modified version of the two powers meditation that I had found on the ADF
website here: . It was very well received and
set a good tone for the day. I also led an impromptu workshop on ADF
Druidry, and then helped to lead the closing ritual which was done using the
ADF Core Order of Ritual, written by one of my fellow grove-mates. It was
a very positive experience overall, despite how draining and trying it was at
When I returned home after PPDO, I once
again made offerings to the goddesses I had worshiped throughout the week and
thanked them for their assistance in making it through the week and making the
event successful. I also thanked them
for their continued presence in my life, and for helping make my home someplace
I felt safe and secure.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Khi -- Succeeding will fulfill a golden
-- Strife-bearing gift fulfills an oracle
-- Successful harvest
9/29/14 to 10/5/14
I’ve continued with my Sun Devotional
again this week, trying to do it each morning. Lighting incense to offer
to the Kindreds and placing it outside the door to my home feels like a way to
keep my home and family safe and surrounded by the blessings of the Kindreds. I
hope the devotional also brings the warmth and light from the sun into our
lives. It’s strange to me that despite
how long I’ve been working with this devotional it still feels forced and
awkward at times, but I continue to try to make it work for me. This week
I also participated in a second Pagan Pride event, located three hours from me.
I had an informational booth for Prairie Shadow Protogrove, ADF, and also
did a workshop on ADF and Druidry. It gave me the opportunity to spend
the day in the park, surrounded by a new community and building relationships. I
participated in a community building ritual, which invoked Hestia as well,
which was very comforting to me as it felt a merger between my home practices
and the community. Spending the day in
the park warmed my soul and helped me to keep mending after a few stressful
weeks. I walked through the grass barefoot with friends, laughed, and
took the time to lie on the ground and look at the clouds. The loving
presence of the community was phenomenal and spending time with my friends surrounded
by the natural world made the experience even better. I love these
experiences and it helps to reaffirm the idea that I need to try to continue to
build the Pagan community into a positive experience as much as possible.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Khi -- Succeeding will fulfill a
golden oracle
-- Strife-bearing gift fulfills an oracle
-- Stay, friend
Month 2
10/6/14 to 10/12/14
My Sun Devotional is going much better
this week, and I’ve continued to make offerings of incense to the house spirits
and Kindreds. I find that it comes to my head when I start to feel
stressed, and helps me to invoke the warmth of the sun when I most need it.
It’s a blessing to finally feel like I’m doing things “correctly” even
though I understand that isn’t the purpose of the discipline. My first
monthly retreat day was also done this week, and it was not quite what I
expected. I woke up earlier than usual in order to have time to do my
devotional at my altar. I stood, still trying to shake the sleep from my
eyes, and expressed just how important it was for me to continue along the path
toward becoming clergy with words that I can’t seem to remember. I don’t
typically eat breakfast, but I made sure to say a simple prayer at lunchtime to
the Earth Mother to thank her for my food and for helping me become who I am.
Gaia, earth mother, you who sustain and
support all living things
thank you for providing the nourishment
and fulfillment that I need
both in my physical life and in my
spiritual one.
Without you, life would not be possible.
Glorious Gaia, thank you for your
I spent my day working, as I typically
do, but tried to keep my spirituality in mind. To help with this I have
created a small altar space on my desk, including representations of the fire,
well, and tree. It gives me peace to see it there, and allows me to
remember my spirituality in a very technical world. I’ve placed it right
next to my computer monitor, so it is always in my peripheral vision, so even
when I’m working on something else it’s always in the corner of my thoughts,
both during the “retreat day” and during every day of work. It helps
remind me of who it is I want to be, and where my focus is needed.
With supper, I once again said my prayer
to Gaia, thanking her for her blessings. I spent the evening with my
family, reading mythology stories to my son, and enjoying their company.
Then after I had put him to bed, I did my Solo offering rite to the Earth
Mother and the Gatekeeper. I used the ritual found in Appendix 1 in the
First Circle Guide for the Clergy Training Program as it was written.
During the workings, I felt the need to put more thought into
the omen I had received, so I knelt before my altar and began to focus on the
flames of the fire. Overall, I determined that while this doesn’t
necessarily appear to be a favorable omen, the message is that while there may
be rough times ahead, if I continue down this path I will ultimately be able
successful and able to move forward.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Phi -- Take responsibility
for your actions
Omega -- there
will be a poor harvest, or autumn will be
Rho -- If
you will hold your ground for only a short time,
you will be able to proceed
10/13/14 to 10/20/14
Several times this week, I found myself
either unable to sleep, or woken in the middle of the night for no apparent
reason. Each time I was drawn to my altar, where I would stand in the
darkness and light candles. I would then sit in a comfortable position
and meditate on my life, my path, and what I expected for the future.
After I felt comforted, I would say a prayer to the goddesses of my
hearth, asking for their guidance and aid. I would then take my offerings
outside and stand barefoot in the darkness, listening to the world around me
before making my offering. The wind was cool, but the world was alive
around me. It was a very interesting experience.
Goddesses of my hearth,
Goddesses of my heart,
I look to you for inspiration,
as both leaders and role models.
Demeter, you who love your child
and show me the gifts of motherhood
Athena, you who helped so many heroes,
and show me how to help those in need.
Hecate, goddess of the crossroads,
you help me to find the right path when I
feel lost.
Aphrodite, you who love wholeheartedly
and show me how to love in turn.
Artemis, goddess of the hunt,
you show me strength and independence.
I thank you all for your gifts and for
your guidance.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Alpha -- Success
-- Successful harvest
-- No good can come from an angry woman
10/20/14 to 10/26/14
I’ve continued to do my Sun Devotionals
and really do appreciate having this small practice as the weather starts to
cool. It helps me remember that as dark and cold as the world can be, the
warming light of the sun will return. It also helps me make a small
connection to the Kindreds, and makes them feel more present in my life.
This week I also experienced a different kind of meditation. I had
the opportunity to spend several hours on the back of a motorcycle, riding
through the country among forests and fields, around lakes and across rivers.
It allowed me to watch the world from a very different perspective than I
typically do. I could smell the plants as we rode past corn fields and
into the woods. I could feel the wind on my skin and was warmed by the sun.
It was incredible to feel the connection on so many different senses.
It was like I could feel the lively energy from the natural world encompassing
me, and embracing me. While it seems strange, it was a very beautiful
experience for me. When I returned home, I went to my altar and
gave offerings to each of the Kindreds, as well as Gaia and Hermes. These offerings were to thank them all for
allowing me to see the beauty in the world around me, for guiding me along this
new path, and for helping me to become a better person. I wanted to say my thanks to them, but the
words just didn’t seem to come out right.
Instead, I gave my offerings in silence and allowed my emotions to send
the message.
I also decided to once again perform my
ritual in the middle of the night to honor the goddesses of my hearth.
However, now that it feels more planned and less sporadic it doesn’t seem
to have the same feel for me. I don’t understand why I have such a hard
time structuring my personal practice, but spontaneous rituals definitely feel
less successful in my heart. Eventually I hope to get past that, but for
now, I will go back to using my Sun Devotional as my daily practice and see
what happens next.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Eta -- Helios watches you
-- Don’t polish a turd
-- Take responsibility for your actions
10/27/14 to 11/2/14
Samhain has always been one of my
favorite holidays, so for me it’s always a weeklong event. I spend time preparing
myself, my family, and my home for the celebration. We carve pumpkins as a family, and bake the
seeds to use as offerings to the nature spirits. I bake fall desserts, some to use as
offerings to my ancestors and some to share with my community. Also, at each meal I share a random memory or
story of my ancestors, to help share their memory with my family so their
presence can live on beyond me. Samhain now also happens to coincide with
the anniversary of my protogrove’s very first ritual, which makes it even more
special for me. This week I went back to the ancestor meditation that I
had done in September to allow me to reconnect with my ancestors and remind
them that they are welcome in my home. This week the meditation seemed to
be much deeper and more meaningful. I was able to visualize my
great-grandparents and the gifts I had received from them. I was able to
visualize my recently passed mentor and hear his words of inspiration and love.
It seemed remarkably appropriate for this week.
The Samhain ritual for our protogrove
felt even more deeply connected for me than it did a year ago. The
invocation we used in our public ritual was inspired by many different ADF
ancestor rituals, and seemed to encompass all those people who we had lost in a
way that worked for all the people participating. It was a great experience.
Ancestors of Blood, we call to you!
You gave us our flesh and bone so that we might walk in this world.
You adopted, fostered and nurtured us when our blood could not. You who
first taught us right from wrong. You who told us the stories of your past and
of ours and gave us the traditions we still hold dear in our own homes.
Ancestors of Our Land, we call to you!
You stood on this Land where we live before all others. You lived simply,
taking from the land only what you needed. You who were one with nature.
You who loved and respected the Land and all Her inhabitants. You from
whom we learn to go back to natural ways for healing.
Ancestors of Spirit, we call to you!
You worshiped our gods before us. You walked the lands that gave them birth.
You kept the old ways alive despite the encroaching darkness. Your
ways inspire our ways. Your history and sagas teach us right action. Your
artwork and poetry speak to our souls. We hear your voices in the words
of our songs. Welcome all of our Ancestors!
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Omicron -- What goes around comes
-- Successful harvest
-- Hard work leads to good return
Month 3
11/3/14 to 11/9/14
This week was time for my monthly retreat
once again. I woke up once again before the sun to do a devotional at my
altar. I stood in the dark, candle-lit room while my family slept only
rooms away, and expressed just how important it was for me to continue along
the path toward becoming clergy. I really enjoyed the message and
simplicity of my mealtime prayer to the Earth Mother from last month, so I
decided to continue using it for these days. It feels foreign for
me to have a prayer time before meals, but I do appreciate expressing my
gratitude at the same time, so it’s a strange clashing of emotions within me.
I once again had to work on my retreat
day, but was blessed with a “slow” workday, so I spent a lot of time focusing
on my Ritual Mechanics course so it is ready to submit. It gave me the
opportunity to be reminded of how others do their rituals, and to consider how
I do things myself, and why I do them. I spent the day listening to music
that helps me feel lifted, and had an hourly timer that reminded me to
acknowledge my small altar space. Each time I would look at my altar and think,
“Fire, well, and sacred tree, flame and flow and grow in me.” It was a
very simple devotional that took only a few minutes of my time, but helped to
keep my goal in mind throughout the day.
With supper, I once again said a prayer
to the Earth Mother, thanking her for her support and sustenance. In the
evening I did a solo rite to the Earth Mother and the Gatekeeper. I once
again used the ritual found in Appendix 1 in the First Circle Guide for the
Clergy Training Program as it was written. The ritual went pretty well,
and the omens for this month seem much more positive than they were a month
ago. They seem to indicate that working hard will help keep things
positive, and I should continue to stay on the path I am on. It’s been
interesting to try to incorporate my retreat days into my daily life, but I
think they are going well thus far. I know some people would do their retreat
days on a weekend so they don’t have to work, but it’s important to me to be
able to keep my spirituality in mind during every part of my life, even sitting
at my desk in the middle of the day.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Mu -- Hard work will result in a good return.
Epsilon -- Desire
the offspring of righteous marriages.
Sigma -- Stay, friend
11/10/14 to 11/16/14
This week I tried to continue with my Sun
Devotional, but it was more challenging than it has been in a while. I
think it was so difficult because we had cold, cloudy weather so it made doing
a devotional to the sun very challenging. However, I try to remind myself that it is the
cold and darkness that I need to put in the most effort. I also took some of the pumpkin seeds we had
from Samhain out into the yard of my home.
I placed them in and around the trees as an offering to the nature
spirits, and to help the small critters that live in my yard as the weather
begins to cool. Spending time in my
yard, surrounded by the plants and animals makes me feel much more at home than
any type of “home” ritual can. The
presence of nature in my life is vitally important to my practice, and I’m
happy to be able to give back in any small way that I can. I said a small prayer to the Earth Mother,
thanking her for the beauty of the world around me and for the nature spirits
that share this realm with me. I find
joy in their sounds and movement and see them as my companions. These are the times I feel most connected to
the world around me.
By mid-week I had decided to spend a few
days with my Patron goddess, Athena. I would approach my altar, light
some incense in offering to her, and say a brief prayer to her. Each
prayer was slightly different, but they all had a message similar to the one
below. Athena has been a presence in my life for longer than seems
possible, so it’s important to me to keep my connection to her though this
journey, while also allowing myself to explore my spirituality on many
different levels. This prayer was my way of sharing that message with
Gracious Athena
Guide me in your wisdom as I approach
this new path.
Grant me the strategy to be successful
and the knowledge to know my limits.
Glorious Athena
You who have guided me for so many years
Help me to explore my spirituality
while also remembering my roots.
Amazing Athena,
Allow me to learn from your lessons
so that I can become the person I am
meant to be.
Allow me to explore the depths of my
and the spirituality of those around me.
Help me to stay connected to my path,
and to have the wisdom to know when I am
Wondrous Athena,
Thank you for your continual presence in
my life.
Thank you for your guidance and your
Thank you for helping me to become the
woman I am today.
May my actions and devotions make you
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Tau -- Parting from companions
-- Work is needed, but change is good
-- With fortune, Apollo will help you.
11/17/14 to 11/23/14
Ever since I was a kid I
have used bath time as a time to meditate and explore my thoughts. To do this,
I lay down to where my ears are below the water so all sounds are muffled and
the only thing that really stands out are the sounds of the water. My brain was
really scattered last week because of some random chaos at work, so I decided
to take a bath and relax. Once I was in the bathtub I decided to do a brief
meditation to help calm me down a little bit and let me focus. I lowered myself
into the water, closed my eyes, and let my thoughts drift away listening to the
sounds of the water and my breath. Focusing on my breath lead me to do some
trance work, continuing upon the Enochian work that I’ve been doing for my
Trance course, but lead to a very interesting visualization. However, in
the middle of the trance work, I heard the bathroom door open. I tried to
ignore it, I could feel my husband staring down at me in the bathtub wondering
if I was trying to drown myself or if I had fallen asleep but I was trying
desperately to ignore it so I could finish my conversation, but to no avail.
I’ve also been doing my
Sun devotional, but doing it in the cooling weather, as the world grows darker,
is difficult. However, part of me also knows that it is in the weakest,
darkest moments that I need to try the hardest to invoke the energies of the
sun back into myself and to be thankful for the connection to the Kindreds even
if the Sun itself is harder to find.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Rho -- Parting from companions
-- Sometimes flight is wiser than fight
-- If you will hold your ground for only a short
time, you will be able to proceed
11/24/14 to 11/30/14
My daily Sun devotional is something that
I’m still trying to do, although doing so successfully has been a bit of a
challenge. I’m thankful for the connection to the Kindreds though, so I
will continue to do it, during both rough times and good. It’s like a
weird marriage I suppose, through sickness and health, better or worse?
However, this week I had a dream that I was sitting at the top of a hill
in some tall grass, surrounded by wild flowers and dandelions. As I sat
there in the sunshine, I began reciting my daily devotional. I found it
very interesting to find my practices showing up in my subconscious mind. Maybe
it’s a sign that things will improve from here again?
This week was also Thanksgiving, which
gave me the opportunity to express my gratitude in many ways. I started the week by saying a prayer of
gratitude to the Kindreds. I thanked the
ancestors for the courage and opportunities they have given me. I thanked the nature spirits for sharing the
realm with me, and for providing me sustenance and companionship. I thanked the Shining Ones for their presence
in my life and their guidance. Next I
thanked Gaia for the life she has given me, and for helping me to find a
spiritual path. I also thanked Hermes
for working as my guide between the realms and helping me to communicate with
the Kindreds more effectively.
Thanksgiving is a time that we do a lot
of travelling as a family, so before I left I once again called out to Hermes
and asked him to aid us in our travels, to allow us to get to our destination
and back home again safely. When we
returned home, I again gave him offerings to thank him for our safe travels. We
participated in many Thanksgiving feasts throughout the week, and before each
one I would offer a silent prayer to Gaia to thank her for her support and
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Alpha -- You
will have good luck in all your activities
-- You can’t get blood from a turnip
-- There will always be hard work
Month 4
12/1/14 to 12/7/14
Discipline is something that I still
don’t feel like I am succeeding with, and I don’t feel like I’m making the
connections I’m supposed to make, so I’ve decided to take on a new project.
I have written a generic COoR rite for my personal use, the purpose of
which is to make connections with new deities that I have never worked with in
the past. This generic ritual states that the purpose of this is to aid
me on my path toward clergy, and to help me make connections that I have never
had before. To begin with, I want to work through the Greek pantheon,
because while it is my hearth, I have focused much of my attention on Athena so
I don’t always have the connections I feel that I should at least try to experience.
I decided to start this process this
week, because it was time for my monthly retreat to happen. I spent all
week working to perfect my base ritual, and managed to get it to a point that
it can be used repeatedly by simply replacing my deity of occasion and focus of
the ritual. I have also left a space in the “Working” section of the
ritual that will allow me to do my Trance work each week in the same ritual.
I have decided that doing Trance work in the ritual for each deity, and
trying to make it specific to the deity of occasion may be an interesting way
to try to complete these courses, and may give me a chance to further connect
with each of them.
Initiate the Rite
the fire candle
Ones, I ask for your blessings on this path as I work to build new
relationships with the Hellenic deities and foster my spiritual growth on my
journey toward ordination.
hands, head, and heart
this cleansing water, may my actions, intentions, and emotions be pure.
Hearth/Earth Mother
Hestia Candle
Hestia, goddess of the hearth and home, as I work to honor my connection with
the Gods I ask you to join me and as I welcome them into my home.
Earth Mother Candle
Mother, you who support and sustain all life, I ask you to join me as I
continue my journey and work to build my spirituality.
Statement of Purpose
stand before my altar, purified and ready for ritual. By performing this
rite, I hope to expand my spiritual and ritual experience, while also building
relationships with those deities that I have not previously connected with.
I hope to build positive relationships with them, while also growing to
understand my own path more clearly. Today, I am here to connect with
(Re)Create the Cosmos
Fire, flame of the hearth, gateway to the Shining Ones, this is the center of
the cosmos. I kindle this fire in warmth and love. Sacred Fire,
burn within me.
whiskey to the fire.
Well, waters of wisdom, gateway to the Ancestors, this is the center of the
cosmos. In the depth of the water flows wisdom. Sacred waters, flow
within me.
silver to the well.
Tree, pathway between the earth and sky, gateway to the Nature Spirits, this is
the center of the cosmos. You are the path between all worlds.
Sacred tree, grow within me.
incense to the tree.
Open the Gates
now call to Hermes, the messenger of the Deities and gatekeeper for this rite.
I ask that you guide me through the cosmos. Let my words and
actions carry to the otherworlds. Hermes, open the gates!
feathers to Hermes
Inviting the Three Kindreds
Ones, those who have been worshipped for millennia, deities of my hearth and
many others, you who have guided me through life, I ask that you join me in
this rite.
offering of oil.
Ancestors, those who have passed on before me, ancestors of blood, land, and
heart, you who have helped me to become who I am, I ask that you join me in
this rite.
offering of tobacco.
Spirits, those who share this realm with me, spirits of land, sea, and sky, you
who have shared my land and home, I ask that you join me in this rite.
offering of bird seed.
Deity of Occasion
is where I will insert the invocation for the deity of occasion.
Prayer of Sacrifice
my feelings, thoughts, and actions I honor the Kindreds. They have given
me guidance, inspiration, and motivation. It is with love, honor, and
respect that I have offered my hospitality. Mighty Kindreds, I honor you.
Accept my offering!
offering of mead.
take an omen so I can receive a message from the Kindreds. What words do
you have for me?
Call for the Blessing
have given my praise freely and now receive a blessing in return. Mighty
Kindreds, may your blessings be given to me.
Hallow & Affirm the Blessings
the Waters of Life!
the waters.
is where I will insert specific trance work depending on the Deity of Occasion.
Thanking the Beings
thank you for attending this rite. I am honored to know you and
experience your presence. Thank you __________.
Spirits, thank you for attending this rite. May your knowledge and
protection continue to make my path clear.
Thank you for attending this rite. May there be peace between us until we
meet again.
Ones, thank you for attending this rite. May you continue to guide and
bless me on this journey.
Closing the Gates
thank you for your guidance and protection as I have walked between the worlds.
Now, I ask that you close the gates. Let the tree be but wood, let
the well be but water, and let the fire be but flames. Let the gates be
Thanking the Earth/Hearth
divine mother, thank you for your support and sustenance on this journey.
May my work continue to honor you.
mistress of the flame, thank you for attending this rite. May your warmth
and hospitality be shown through me.
Closing the Rite
have done as my ancestors did and as my children will do. I will go into
the world blessed by this newly found connection with _______________________
secure in the knowledge that I am on the path I am intended to be on.
This rite is closed.
To begin these rituals, I decided to
start with Hestia who is the goddess that the Greeks honored both first and
last, as well as the goddess of the hearth and home. I had previously
written a prayer to her for my Liturgical Writing course, so I decided to put
it to use to see how well it worked. When retreat day came, I woke up and
said my impromptu prayers at my altar, and started my day. During lunch
and supper I said my prayers of gratitude to Gaia for her continued sustenance
and support, and spent the evening reading over the ritual I had written to
make sure everything sounded the way I wanted it to. After I had put my son to
bed, I completed the full ritual, and I’m quite pleased with the results.
I think this will help me put a standard practice into place, while being
varied enough to not get bored or frustrated with the process.
The flame is lit, to build our hearth and
to welcome Hestia to the rite.
“Hestia, glorious goddess of the hearth,
You who we honor both first and last.
You embody both hearth and home
And guide us with your warmth.
With your name, we ignite the hearth
Come forth and dwell in this space.
(Offer mead)
“We offer to you our mead, first bottle
of the season,
to honor you first, before all others.”
“Hestia, gracious goddess of home
Goddess of the living flame
You who keep the hearth ablaze
And inspire us with your light.
With your name, we start our rite.
Come forth and dwell in this place.”
(Offer mead)
“Through you, may our hearts warmed.
Through you, may our homes be bright.
Through you, may all who join be
And through you may our intentions be
Hestia, magnificent goddess,
Come forth and encounter this rite.”
I received positive omens that I am on
the right path and that I am taking a step that is pleasing, both to me and to
the Gods. I decided to try to incorporate my trance work into these
rituals, so once I made it to the “working” portion of the ritual, I picked up
Hestia’s candle from my altar, and placed it on a low shelf. I then sat
upon the floor and focused my eyes on the flame, which was hidden behind the
sigil of Hestia that is etched into the candleholder. Initially my vision
doubled and I watched the flames dance and move. I found myself drifting,
and remembering fondly the flames of my past, those hearth fires and community
fires that I had experienced throughout my life. I had thoughts of
camping as a child, telling stories by the fire. I could feel the warmth
of the Midnight Flame as I talked into the wee hours of the night. I felt
the warmth of my grandparent’s fireplace.
I saw the shadows of the flames as I spent hours talking with my new
protogrove after our very first ritual. All of these flames showed me the
community I was in, and helping to build. All of these reminded me just
how important the hearth is to me, and made it quite obvious that Hestia has
been present in my life for much longer than I realized. I think this will be a
very interesting experiment overall.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Eta
-- The life-giving Sun will care for you
-- You will have a successful harvest
-- You have the helping Gods of this path
12/8/14 to 12/14/14
My sun devotionals this week feel much
improved, maybe because of the additional work, or maybe I’m just in a better
state of mind. I’m not sure why there is an improvement, but I’m pleased
with the work that I’m doing now. The ritual with Hestia worked very well
last week, so I’ve decided that the invocations that I do will be written in
the same format, so at least I have a form to work from in creating a new
invocation each week. This week, I have decided to honor Gaia, because in
ADF tradition she is the first Goddess honored, and the last one to be thanked.
I’ve decided it would therefore be appropriate to do her ritual after
Hestia, but before I continue along this journey. Also, the connection
with the Earth Mother is a vital part of the CTP discipline, so I wanted to make
the effort to further make my connection with her. I did the same “plug
and play” ritual that I had created, with Gaia as my deity of occasion. I
had great results and thought the structure worked well for this practice, and
I’m excited for the possibilities of this ritual style.
“Gaia, primal goddess of the world,
Great mother of all.
You were the first to be born from Chaos
and from you all life has formed.
With your name, we grow and change.
Come forth and dwell in this space.
(Offer honey)
“Gaia, gracious goddess of the earth
Eldest of all beings,
You who support and sustain us
And inspire us with your love.
With your name, I start my rite.
Come forth and dwell in this place.”
(Offer honey)
“Through you, may we learn to love.
Through you, may we learn to support.
Through you, may all who join be
And through you may our intentions be
Gaia, magnificent goddess,
Come forth and encounter this rite.”
This week I also participated in an
interfaith Yule ritual to build fellowship and community. This ritual was
done in collaboration with the Red Grail, and Nebraska Heathens United.
It was a beautiful, short ritual and was nice to see the community coming
together to form friendships and “play nice” together. I’ve always wanted
to see a true Pagan community and it is through those efforts that it is more
likely to happen. I already see people making connections and building
relationships, and that makes me incredibly happy.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Lambda
-- Blessing in disguise
-- Life-giving sun will care for you.
-- There will always be hard work
12/15/14 to 12/21/14
This week, my ritual was done for Hermes.
Hermes is a god that I have used as my Gatekeeper repeatedly since I joined
ADF, but I have not ever take the time to honor him as the deity of occasion,
so I thought it would be appropriate to honor him next. Also, the
Gatekeeper is a very important part of clergy discipline, so I want to continue
to foster that relationship. Building this ritual allowed me to see just
how important the gatekeeper is to ADf practices. The gatekeeper is the one
that we use to open the doors between the worlds, and it is through those doors
that we are better able to communicate with the Kindreds and build
relationships with them. From my experiences, the gatekeeper also works
to keep the way down the path clear and safe, making the journey between the
realms a much more positive experience that it could be if we tried to
undertake the journey on our own. I performed my solo rite again, and
used this invocation:
“Hermes, god of boundaries,
and great messenger of the Gods.
You are the protector of travelers
and the patron to writers and poets.
With your name, I make transitions,
Come forth and dwell in this space.
(Offer mead)
“Hermes, skilled bringer of luck
guide to our ancestors,
You who guide and guard our travels
And share our words with all worlds.
With your name, travel between the
Come forth and dwell in this place.”
(Offer mead)
“Through you, may I learn to share my
Through you, may I learn to travel
between words
Through you, may hone my skill.
And through you may I embrace
Hermes, magnificent god,
Come forth and encounter this rite.”
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Zeta -- Futile to fight the force of the ocean
-- Take responsibility for actions
-- Righteous judgement
12/22/14 to 12/28/14
This week my family celebrates Christmas
together, and even though I’m not Christian it’s an important tradition to
me. This once again meant it was time to
travel away from home, and I felt drawn to call to Hermes to ask for aid in safe
travels. I used a prayer based on last
week’s devotional and gave offerings to him both before we left and when we
returned home.
Hermes, god of boundaries,
and great messenger of the Gods.
You are the protector of travelers
and the patron to writers and poets.
I ask that you aid us in our travels,
To allow us to spend time with our loved
And again to help us return to our home.
Thank you for all the aid you’ve given me
in the past
And I hope to continue to work together
in the future.
I also said a prayer to Hestia before we
left and after we returned, asking her to protect our home while we were away
saying something similar to this:
“Hestia, glorious goddess of the hearth,
You who we honor both first and last.
You embody both hearth and home
And guide us with your warmth.
I ask that you watch over our home as we
Keep it safe and warm as we are away
And help us to keep your hearth fire in
our hearts.
Thank you for the warmth and light you’ve
Both me and my family.
I am honored by your light in my life.
I also continued with my weekly
exploration of the Greek pantheon. I’ve been really enjoying these
rituals and building relationships with deities that I haven’t connected with
before. This week, my ritual is being done to Helios, to welcome the light of
the sun back into the world. Doing this ritual this week also seemed to
reignite the flame of my sun devotional, helping me remember how important it
is to my practice, and reaffirming the idea that the simplicity of it is
awesome and beneficial for my practice. Calling to Helios seemed like a
fitting ritual to do during the time of the winter solstice since he is the one
who drives the sun across the sky. I performed my solo rite again, and used
this invocation:
“Helios, god of the bright sun,
and guardian of oaths,
You who drive the sun across the sky
and bring light to the world.
With your name, I look for the light in
the world around me,
Come forth and dwell in this space.
(Offer mead)
“Helios, great god of sight,
all-seeing chariot driver,
You who help the sun traverse across the
which brings hope to the world with each
With your name, I look forward to longer
Come forth and dwell in this place.”
(Offer mead)
Your journey across the sky reminds me
to bring my own light to the world,
to channel the warmth of the sun.
I wish you safe travels throughout the
and hope to have the same throughout my
Helios, magnificent god,
Come forth and encounter this rite.”
Shadow Yule Rite
This week I also attended and
performed the Prairie Shadow Protogrove Yule rite. We did a beautiful
Norse ritual to Sunna to welcome the light back into the world and help us all
find the light in the darkness. However, this was the first time that our
omen indicated that we had not yet sacrificed enough to the Kindreds.
When the omen was returned, I gathered up extra offerings and as I gave
them shared the idea that the omen reminds us that even in these darkest times,
when things seem to be the hardest, we need to be able to look for the light
and often that means being able to give more of ourselves than we thought possible.
The words were sporadic, but came from my heart, and the message was well
received by those participating. It also lead to us receiving a much more
favorable omen, and which allowed us to proceed with the remainder of the
ritual. During the workings part of the rite, we installed our first set
of officers, with myself as the Senior Druid. It’s phenomenal to see how
much our little group has grown, and it makes me incredibly proud to be a part
of it.
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Theta
-- You have the helping Gods of this path
-- You will have good luck in all your
activities Upsilon
-- The affair holds a noble undertaking
12/29/14 to 12/30/14
This week, my ritual is being done in
honor of Hecate. Hecate is a goddess that is often misunderstood by
people, and she is often viewed as a “dark” goddess. However, my
experience with her was anything but. She is a goddess of crossroads, and
a guide along the path of the unknown. To me, she seemed like the
appropriate deity to work with as we transitioned from 2014 to 2015. My
omens seem to indicate that the path I am on can be a positive one with hard
work, but that the timing is important, as is taking responsibility for my
actions. It is an omen of hard work, but positive outcome if I’m willing
to put that effort into it.
“Hecate, goddess of the crossroads,
and patron of magicians,
You who light the pathways
in the darkest nights
With your name, I continue down this
Come forth and dwell in this space.
(Offer mead)
“Hecate, great goddess of new beginnings,
shining your lantern on the path for
those who are lost,
You who help the ancestors find their
and carry the knowledge of sorcery and
magic with you.
With your name, I seek to choose the
right fork of the crossroads.
Come forth and dwell in this place.”
(Offer mead)
“Through you, may I learn to see my own
and through you, may I learn to help
guide others toward their own.
Through you, may I find comfort in magic
And with you may I find light in the darkness.
Hecate, magnificent goddess,
Come forth and encounter this rite.”
Greek Alphabet
Oracle -- Delta
-- Timing is everything
-- Hard work will result
in a good return. Phi
-- Take responsibility
for your actions
Works Cited
Isaac. Neopagan Rites. Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications, 2007.
Serith, Ceisiwr. A Book of Pagan Prayer. San
Francisco: Weiser Books, 2002.
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