Technical Competence - Working Outline

Decide on two different media to focus on throughout this study program. 

I will be focusing on pencil drawings and working with clay as my two media options.  I’m not incredibly confident with my artistic skills in any format currently, but I’m very interested in learning.  Pencil drawings are a two-dimensional skill that requires using only media to create.  Clay work will allow me to create three-dimensional items while also using tools or my hands if I choose.  

What are your reasons for choosing those particular arts?  What you hope to do with them?

I chose drawing because it is something that I feel like I could do anywhere, making it an easier option to practice with my busy schedule.  However, clay is something that I remember always enjoying as a child, and while it’s less convenient I look forward to seeing what I can create from the medium as an adult. I don’t currently know exactly what I want to create with these items, but I’m excited to have the opportunity to get creative and experiment. 

With both of these media options, I really hope to be able to create art that I can use for my spiritual practices as part of my devotional work, and share with my loved ones as something I’m proud of creating. 

How will you go about learning the skills you need? 
To improve my drawing skills, I have enrolled in an online drawing course for beginners.  The first lecture has already started to explore the importance of lines and shapes and I know I will learn a lot.  I’m very curious to see the impact it has on my abilities.  

If I enjoy the drawing class, I may also follow-up with a sculpting class, but I’m unsure at this point since I have never taken an art class as an adult before.  At this point, my plan is to use trial and error while exploring ancient statues, sculptures, architecture, and pottery to see what I can learn from the successes of the ancestors.  

How available, affordable and sustainable are the materials you will need?

I think, material wise, drawing will be extremely easy to obtain materials for, as I am fortunate to have pencils and paper freely available to me.  Working with clay will require a bit more money and effort, but my plan initially is to stick with smaller pieces that I can experiment with to keep the cost (and storage requirements) easier to manage.  

Is there anyone in your community who can serve as a resource for you? 

At this point, I don’t really know of anyone local who can act as a resource for me. However, I know the Artisans Guild has amazing members that would be willing and able to help if I had issues. 

What kind of assistance or advice will you want/need from the Artisan Guild, if any?

At this point I don’t have any questions or need any advice from the Guild, but I’m happy to know that it is available to me if I run into issues. 


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